"Let me tell you about my Bestfriend"

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"Arianna Paige get over here girl" I yelled. Ari ran up to me and hugged me she was my bestfriend and i haven't seen her since school ended and i could tell she was crying tears of joy she said "I'm so glad to see you I can't belive of your here, I'm here, it's so incredible!" I replied "Yeah I know let's go get you cleaned up I'll get you bags here is my room its me,Tessa,and Erika but she isn't here since you and Ivan want to sleep together y'all can sleep in Erikas bed I'm sure she won't mind and Emilio and Ivan can be in the same room and plus we can all have couple talk!" She Replied "Yeah! I will totally talk to him about it!" Then I said "okay i will go outside and you can tell me when your ready" she says "No! Stay, I will go in the bathroom and you can approve of my outfit!" I said "okay" and sat down.
The truth about Ari is that she is flawless and their isn't one ugly part in her body she had been the guy magnet since we were in preschool and I've been their since she hates the attention that she gets but her confidence took a horrible turn after her 2 year long realationship with Bryce he doesn't go to our school but he goes to one near by they broke up after him getting drunk at a party and Ari catching him making out with a girl and after that night I've been her support she's acting like old Ari right now, she's the carefree girl I remember.
Ari stepped out of the bathroom and this was her outfit flawless as always

Ari stepped out of the bathroom and this was her outfit flawless as always

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"Love, love, love it" I said. She replies "Thanks let's go!"
We walk out the door and Emilios jaw drops I say "Emilio your drooling!" Then Ari nuges me in the ribs I mumble "ow" then Emilio picks her up and kisses her on the lips I feel like a third wheel so I went up to the boys room and played call of duty I started wondering where Ivan was so I looked everywhere for him then I got a text.

IVAN we need to talk soon I'm at the grove meet me their
KATIE- Okay I'm on my way
I texted Katie because Jake told me that he liked Katie and he would do anything to keep us from seeing each other I walked out of the house because I was pissed off all i could see was red and by the time I knew it I was at the grove so I sat down and texted Katie
A ton of thoughts were going through my head and the worst one was, what if he dumps me?
I was terrifed of those 5 words but I was at the grove I seen Ivan he looked mad I was terrified to go up to him I mean, what did I do? I sat down he grabbed my hand and the table I almost started to cry but I pulled myself together he said "Katie listen to me, Jake likes you he told me he was going to do anything to brake us up and I won't let him I'll do whatever it takes but first tell me what you want or who you want because Jake's a nice guy but if a guy gets inbetween him and a girl it's war so who do you want?" I say "you Ivan its obviously you I love you and a guy like Jake can never change that I promise and what I want, I want a life with you I want to marry you, I want to have kids with you, I want to live with you, and I most Definantly want to be with you!" I felt a tear roll down my cheek and quckly wiped it away I went and sat in Ivans lap and Whisperd in his ear "And I mean every word of what I said" he replied "Me to and i wouldn't want it any other way"
We sat their for 3 hours and then we got up and held hands all the way home when he walked in I heard i banging noise coming from our room then I heard loud moaning I yelled "We are home" then It got quieter I went and laid on the couch then Ivan Jumped on top of me and said "I'm sleeping on you!" I said "okay I'm to tired to even care anymore" he fell asleep on top of me and then I fell asleep.

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