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He leaned In then he kissed me and I kissed back then we started to make out I realised I was dating Ivan and I jumped up and ran to the bathroom I say their and cried my eyeballs out then I texted Ivan KATIE- Ivan tell everyone that in not coming back for awhile and I'm braking up with you I need time away just please don't be mad I just need a brake IVAN- Okay, I understand I'm just sad I'm not mad at all have fun at home bye I was glad he was okay with me staying but then I had to tell him the reason I was staying so I FaceTimed him FACETIME CALL katie- Ivan I'm staying because a guy that I've liked along time missed me...and I have feelings for him I don't want to be rude to you and not tell you Ivan- Okay whatever I should have known you were gonna be a hoe anyway lmao don't talk to me agian END CALL whatever, I don't need him so I walked out and watched JD do amazing as always he is so good at football. His dad was strict about him being with girls and about his eating habits but his dad actally liked me probably because I know alot about football and I'm not like most of the girls in our school I told his dad me and JD were going somewhere together and we would be home at 12 his dad agreed and left then JD came out and he seen he and smiled he said "Ah, so glad to see such a beautiful girl after a hard game" I blushed I asked him "Wanna go somewhere bc I'm super hungry" he replied "I thought you would never ask" we were so close growing up and we will always be me and JD Are inseprable but I lost my boyfriend to him hlwe sat down and he said "I'm sorry about that kids I didn't mean it I would take it back if I could let's just be friends" I said "Thank goodness!" We talked awhile and i walked him home then I went home and feel asleep . SHOULD I DO A BOOK ON JD MCCOY OR COLE SPROUSE COMMENT AND LET ME KNOW!!