woke up early this morning because my flight is at 8:am and it's 4:am right now so I'm just putting my stuff into the car and getting ready until time to go. My outfit today is this
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I woke up my mom and Dad and it is now 6:30 and we are getting in the car I texted Jake KATIE-yo low-key scared JAKE-why it will be fine I'll be here if you need me KATIE- Okay thanks Jakes so nice he makes me feel so much better he's a good friend we are at the airport and it's time to go in and i say Bye to my mom and Dad grab my bags and walk in once I get on the plans I see this
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Yay empty seats!!! No people bugging me yay! The plane ride keeps getting longer and longer but then the flight attendant says "do you need anything Katie?" I said "How do i know you?" She said "your the new member of team 10 come with me." I got up and she took me to first class!! I said "thank you" she said "anything for a Fellow Jake Paluer"