"Home sweet home"

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I got into the plane and felt it take off of was a Eight your flight so I was really scared I got out my phone and FaceTimed with Ivan and before I knew it I was their I looked down at my phone screen and Ivan had fallen asleep I ended the call went to collect my bags and walked to the waiting room thingy I seen my mom and Dad a droped my suitcases and ran to them give them both but hugs then fans were all around me and my parents went to get my luggage while I was taking pictures with fans then once I was done me and my parents went to my dad Chevrolet Silverado 2012 model pearl colored truck and got in my mom says "woah, I didn't know you were going to get famous in La?!?!" I replied "mom, I'm not famous in known as the girl dating one of the Martinez twins not Katie the amount of fans that were their were nothing compared to what All of the boys to thorough on a daily basis" my mom missed and finally we were home I say in our living room and watched Tv then I went up to my room and seen that none of my stuff was their anymore not my bed or anything my dad comes up to my room and says "oh your mom moved your stuff to the garage she's making this her gym room I'm sorry honey I didn't have a say in it" I noded and went down to the basment pluged my Laptop to its charger because it was almost dead and watched Ivan and Emilios YouTube Videos then I took a nap and i woke up to my mom screaming my name "Katie! We are going to dinner be ready in 15!!" I got my clothes ready and here is what I picked out

I got into the plane and felt it take off of was a Eight your flight so I was really scared I got out my phone and FaceTimed with Ivan and before I knew it I was their I looked down at my phone screen and Ivan had fallen asleep I ended the call we...

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I walked into the living room and my mom says to me "In La for so long and didn't decide to change your style, Pitty." I replied "La didn't change me and it won't mom." I went and my mom decided to drive her Purple Lamborghini that she can hardley pay for once we got their I see no one other than Tim Riggins my Ex boyfriend the star quarterback for our high school football team (If you know what show he's off of you the goat!) My mom said "I invited Tim i know y'all don't talk but he gives me somthing to write about in the paper" I just nodded because he seen us and he was coming over Tim looked Like he always does

" I went and my mom decided to drive her Purple Lamborghini that she can hardley pay for once we got their I see no one other than Tim Riggins my Ex boyfriend the star quarterback for our high school football team (If you know what show he's off o...

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Same guy as I remembered he has hooked up with half of the people in my school and probably their mom's too. "Tim Riggins never thought i would have to see you again" he said "Ah Katie you know you still like me or are you to LA to admit it?" I said "Tim I don't like you we were together 2 years...2 years I wish I had never spent with you." He replied "Harsh much" then I sat down I eat my good without making she contact with him once we left he got in his Jackedup ford truck and said "If you ever need anything just give me a call" he winked a drove away I honestly don't know what i saw in him we were the "It" couple in school and after we broke up everyonewas all over him and he started drinking and getting into trouble after that Eveyone loved Tim Riggins all intoy thoughts my dad stoped the car and my head hit the back of my mom's seat then I realised we were home i got out and got a shower and went to get little did I know tommorow was going to be hell

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