While we waited on Arianna and Emilio to text me and Ivan Talked and talked then he started to tickle me and i said "Haha Ivan stop! Haha" then Tessa started to wake up and we acted like we were asleep then we knew she Was asleep we talked again when I was with Ivan the hours felt like minutes and the minutes felt like seconds Ivan was my Bestfriend, and my one and only. I am in love with this Boy I thought to myself IVANS POV I love seeing Katie Laugh she makes me so happy all I do is think about her she is my world. Im in love with Katie she is my Bestfriend i am so lucky to have this Beatiful girl in my life KATIES POV "Ivan! Ivan! Look" I say He replies "What! What!" I show him Arianna and Emilios text messages "They are talking!" I said and Emilio nodded "I'm so tired Ivan" I said He said "I will go to sleep to" I curled up beside him and fell asleep I woke up and said "Ivan I'm getting up" he said "I will to" we got up and he said "Lets twin out on your addidas stuff and i will put on mine" I nodded. He was wating at my door when I opened it and i said "We have to get a picture!" He said "I was thinking the same thing!" We got infront of a mirror and took this picture
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Tessa yelled "Ahhhh kivan is so cuteee" "thanks" we both said I went to sit down and Ivan went to Talk to Emilio Then I get a tweet @IvanMartinez- Me and @KatieElaine are dating we have been for a week now and just wanted to let you guys know Love you all❤👐 "Ivan come here!!" He says "Yess boo?" I reply "I think we should go out now that we are offical in the internet" and laugh "Yes let's take a walk around Hollywood Blvrd" I reply "Okay!" We hold hands and walk out the door then while we are waking a bunch of fans walk over to Ivan wanting pictures he gladly takes them and i ring a nearby bench to sit on It takes a while but he finally here some and we get to Hollywood Blvrd I have a blast some people want to get pictures with me and Ivan and we gladly Accept then we start to walk home and I get a FaceTime request From my mom I accept. "Hey mom!" I say "Hey sweetheart who's the boy?" She says "Mom this is my Boyfriend Ivan." I say "He is so cute food for you Katie I'll go so y'all can have fun Love you bye be safe!" My mom says "Bye!" "Your mom seems great" Ivan says. I reply "she really is" We walk and talk a little more then we get to the house and I "Noooo Jake come back!" I thought Jake unplugged the Xbox agian...Ivan went upstairs with the boys so I just put my earbuds in and Listened to music. Then it was time to go to bed and Ivan didn't sleep with me he said he wanted time with his brother I went to sleep and then I heard walking I heard out door open I got scared really scared then I felt my Covers lift and someone lay down Ivan said "I couldn't sleep so I came in here is that okay" "of course" I replied then I felt safe agian and went to sleep