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Me and Ivan were at home home and he said "I don't know why I did that but you know me" I laughed and decided I was going to do a YouTube Video of me singing Used to be by AJ

Then I walked out of the room and Tessa told me I needed to come to the doctor with her because she was going to find out the sex of the baby the whole house came but only Uncle Cade was going to find out the sex so we could have a gender reaveal party Cade came out smiling and Said "Oh boy this is a good one!" Then we went home and Kadewas trying to find out places that could go gender Reveals i just went in my room Ivan opened the door and said "I wanna Binge watch friends" and we watched friends all day then he said "I'm tired" then we went to sleep I forgot how I felt when he was with me
I woke up and slowly got out of bed trying not to wake up Ivan I went and eat ceral Tessa was up and asked me to go to the gym
We were at the gym Tessa did 1 hours and I did 2 hours then we went and got green tea then she said "Me and chance want a girl" I said "So do I" then we went home and Ivan picked Me up and yelled "You going in the pool" and he threw me in I hit my butt on the bottom and it hurt so bad but I laughed anyway I yelled "If I'm in your coming in too!"
He jumped in and we both laughed i could be with him forever

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2017 ⏰

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