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Cierra's P.O.V

Noah has always been a superhero; he's always been my superhero. After dancing with each other for so long, he admitted why he was like that.


(flashback; season 4 auditions)

I was up next for auditions and so far I was doing really good, until I wasn't.

You see, when I was doing multiple pirouettes I slipped on water, I thought it was the end and I braced myself for impact until I felt 2 strong hands on my waist. I felt myself being lifted off the ground into a lift before I get placed back down.

I turn around to see who the mystery person was and I saw Noah.

Cierra: thanks.

Noah: don't mention it.

He pulls me into a quick hug making it look like a part of my audition before flipping backwards and starting his own.

That was the day I realised that he wasn't a freak----he was a superhero!


(flashback; season 4 duets)

Riley: ---and Noah and Cierra.

Riley had organised duets for the regionals qualifier and Noah and I were finally performing.

We started off and we were really good, we had so much chemistry. We got a tumbling section and it was my go and I was doing multiple flips until I was mid-air and I didn't have enough height and knew this was going to end badly until I felt arms hold me upright and I stared at Noah, luckily we were near the end of our duet and the music died off.

I cost us the duet but that didn't matter; Noah risked the routine to help me.

Cierra: thank you.

Noah: don't mention it.

This was the second time, he had given the same response but I still couldn't wrap my head around why he done it.



Noah and I are standing in the wings waiting to go on and perform our duet to hopefully get our team to the next round.

Cierra: thank you.

I say turning to Noah.

Noah: for what?

Cierra: for helping in my audition and our duet.

Noah: don't mention it.

He says turning back to watch the competition.

Cierra: why do you do it?

Noah: do what?

He asks facing me again.

Cierra: save me when things aren't going right?

Noah: because I care about you.

I register what he says and smile. He cares.

Chuck: next up is The Next Step, let's see if this international winning team can win the duet round.

Noah grabs my hand and squeezes it lightly before we walk on stage and get ready to perform.


We finished our duet with a standing ovation and now we're standing next to the other team waiting to hear the results.

Announcer: the judges have tabulated their scores.

I grab onto Noah's hand with both of mine not questioning it and continue to look at the crowd.

Announcer: and the team moving onto the next round is...........................The Next Step!

The crowd screams and I grin before I turn to Noah.

Cierra: we did it!

Noah: yeah we did!

We yell over the crowd.

We're moving onto the next round!

We take one last bow before running off the stage and being swarmed with hugs by our team mates. Through the celebrations Noah drags me out to a quiet area.

Noah: about what I said earlier about caring about you, I meant it.

Cierra: I care about you too.

I grab both of his hands and stare deeply into his blue(?) eyes as he stares into mine.

Noah: so, you would mind if I done this?

Cierra: do what?

As soon as the words come out of my mouth his mouth is pressed against mine.

I wrap my arms around his neck as he wraps his hands around my waist and deepens the kiss.

This is what he meant by caring, I think to myself as I move my hands to his chest and he moves his to my cheeks which makes us come as close as possible.

He really is my superhero and his kisses are my kryptonite.

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