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"You know that saying the truth will set you free? It couldn't be more true, especially at this moment." -Sumayah Ahmed.

" -Sumayah Ahmed

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Chapter Eleven:

Tell Me A Lie

⭐️Sumayah Ahmed⭐️

As I sat down on my bed, I grabbed the set of letters my mother addressed to me. To say I was nervous to read them would be the biggest understatement of the year! My hands are actually shaking as I'm holding them. "You could do this Sumayah," I muttered underneath my breath as I proceeded to open the first of many. There were a total of five letters that she wrote for me.

Dear my sweet Sumayah,

It started off.

My baby, you reading this means that I'm no longer of this world and for that I am so sorry.

I could already feel this tears starting to dwell in my eyes.

I can't count how many times I yearned to hold you in my arms once again. The day I let you and your father go had to be one of the happiest and saddest days of my life. I was happy because Allah decided to bless me with two beautiful and healthy baby girls that I love with all of my heart. But I was also devastated knowing that I wouldn't be apart of your life and your father's. I know by the time you're reading this you may have a lot of questions and In Shaa Allah when the time is right you shall get those answers that you rightfully deserve. But for now I just want you to know how sorry I am for never being able to be a mother to you. Even though I wasn't a part of your life, you were always a part of mine. Although we couldn't meet in this life, In Shaa Allah we will in the next. I love you so much beti, just know that your mother loves you.

I couldn't handle it by this point.

My hands were shaking, tears filled my eyes to brink and I felt as I was about to lose it. Take a deep breath Sumayah, you can't lose it now, I thought to myself as I put the rest of the letters away in my drawer. I know that if I read all of them right now that I wouldn't be able to control myself.

"Can I come in?" Ayeyo asked as she knocked on my door softly. I immediately wiped the tears that were on my face with the back of my palm as I told her she could. After she opened my door she walked in and sat on the edge of my bed. For the past two weeks we haven't said a word to each other. I wonder why she decides to talk to me now of all times. She looked outside of my window at the star filled sky as she began to talk.

"She was a beautiful women."

I almost did a double take the moment she said that. "W-Who?" I asked hesitantly. She looked at me in the eyes as a small smile made its way across her face. "Your mother. You have her eyes, smile and personality. I'm so sorry for all of those things that I said and I'm even more sorry for not telling you about your twin. The truth is that I didn't tell you because I didn't want to, it was because I couldn't. For your safety and hers." Ayeyo responded with a far away look in her eyes.

What would she say if I told her that we already met? I questioned worriedly. What would happen? To say I was scared would be an understatement. "What do you mean, Ayeyo? How would we be in danger?" I asked in a small voice. She turned back to me as a small tear made its way down her cheeks. "Let's just say that there were people that were more against your father and mother's marriage than me and your Awowa ever were. They did everything in their power to split your parents up and they obviously succeeded. If they knew that you and your sister were together then all hell would break loose." She responded.

At that moment I began to panic on the inside. If they knew that you and your sister were together then all hell would break loose, those words chanted in my head over again. What have we done? Ayeyo turned to me and searched my eyes, she always did that when she suspected I was hiding something. "Please don't tell me something that I do not wish to hear, Sumayah." She spoke in alarm.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." I lied. Ya Allah please forgive me. She studied me for a good minute before finally saying something. "I hope to Allah that you're telling me the truth. Because if you're not then now would be the time to say something." She said in the most serious tone I've ever heard her use which was saying something considering how many times I've gotten scolded by her. After contemplating for a moment, I decided enough was enough and I told her everything. From meeting Sahra, to going to her old house and finding the letters mom wrote to me, everything. You know that saying the truth will set you free? It couldn't be more true, especially at this moment.

"I-I can't believe she's lived here all along." Ayeyo said after all of the information she just received sunk in. "How long have you guys been in contact?" She asked worriedly. "A couple of days." I responded nervously. I could practically imagine her screaming at me for not telling her sooner but surprisingly that never happened. Instead she let out a sigh as she closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead. "Okay listen to me habibti, you have to stop whatever you guys are doing. It's too dangerous." She warned me as she grabbed my hands tightly.

"W-Why is it dangerous?" I asked.

"Those people I told you about earlier...they're very dangerous people. If they know that you guys are in contact and are in the same place, they will come after you. That is the reason your parents split up." She explained with fear in her eyes. Who are these people? Ya Allah, why would they care if Sahra and I are together? "We have to tell your father immediately." She stated as she got up.

"Ayeyo wait!" I jumped off of my bed and stopped her. "I will tell him once he comes, just please don't say anything to him." I practically begged. I need to talk to Sahra and tell her what I just found out. Ayeyo stared at me for a couple of seconds before finally giving in.

"Okay, but if you don't tell him I will."

Sorry this is a really short chapter :( In Shaa Allah the next one will be longer and more action packed! Things are really starting to heat up now 😉! Please comment what you guys think of not just this chapter but every chapter. I really love hearing feedback on my work because these chapters are not easy to write. Thanks.






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