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"Is anything truly okay?" -Sahra Khan

"Is anything truly okay?" -Sahra Khan

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Chapter Four:

Secrets Revealed

☀️Sahra Khan☀️

"You're joking ,right?" I couldn't help but laugh at Alexandra.

"I'm serious, the girl looked exactly like you! It's like she was your twin or something!" She exclaimed as we walked into work together. "Gasp!" I pretended to take in a deep breath. "I guess there is a such thing as long lost twins!" I couldn't help but laugh more at her reaction.

"Come on!" I nudged her shoulder. "I'm just messing with you girl."

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes at me then set her stuff down at her booth. We both work at a call center which can be cool and annoying at the same time. Dealing with people 24/7 can really take a toll on you. She suddenly brought her phone and shoved it in my face. "Look." She said, flipping to her photos.

"All I could see is a side profile."

By this point she was starting to get annoyed. "Whatever don't believe me but when you figure out that you have a look alike here then don't say I didn't tell you so." She then turned back to her computer and started typing away. It's weird knowing that there is someone that looks like me in the same state as me. Well I have to see her with my own two eyes to know how much we look alike. Sighing, I turned on my computer and put on the headset on the table and set to work.

* * *

"Hey Sahra!"

My annoying neighbor Mansoor said once he saw me pull into the parking lot of my house. Mansoor is our next door neighbor and also Zakariya's best friend so he's at our house all the time."Hey Manny," I said as I got out of my car. "Are you and Zak going somewhere?" I asked, noticing how fancy he was dressed.

"Yeah, my cousin is getting married so I didn't want to suffer at her wedding alone." He responded, holding the door out for the both of us. "I bet it won't be that bad but good luck." I replied then walked into Aunty Amira's room.

"Envelope me, please."

She reached into her cabinet and grabbed another letter. "Take your time reading it, habibti." She said as she handed it to me. "Okay I will." I then walked into my room, took off my hijab and flopped on to my bed with a thud. Here goes nothing, I thought to myself as I grabbed my glasses on the night stand and placed them on my face.

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