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"I always felt like an outsider in my own family" -Sumayah Ahmed

"I always felt like an outsider in my own family" -Sumayah Ahmed

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Chapter Five:


⭐️Sumayah Ahmed⭐️

"I'm tired, Awowa!" I whined to my grandfather as I laid my head down on the front counter of his restaurant. I've legit been here since 8am and now it's 4pm, that's like 8 hours of my life! I honestly cannot wait to return home to New York because I can't stand being here for another second. " We're going to close up in about two hours so stop complaining." Grandpa responded as he went back into the kitchen to check up on the food.

Oh well, I sighed as I laid my head back down. Suddenly the bell to the front door jingled so I snapped my head back up. In front of me was a boy who looked like he was my age, from his appearance I could tell he was Somali. "Salam, is Awowa Hassan here?" He asked as he looked around the restaurant. "Yea, he's in the back checking up on the food. What can I help you with?" I responded as I grabbed a notepad and pen.

"I don't think I've seen you before, I'm Jamal."

"Hi Jamal, can I help you with something?" I restated. To be honest I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone right now but could you blame me?

"I'm not gonna get a name?"

"Afraid not."

That's when Awowa came to where we were and had a glowing smile on his face once he saw Jamal. "Salamualaikum Awowa! How have you been?" Jamal asked my grandfather as he engulfed him in a big hug. "I've been good son, how've you been? My you look so grown up! I remember when you, Zubair, Ahmed and Hamid would come here everyday after school but now I barely see you guys anymore. How's college going for you?" Awowa responded.

Seriously, he's being more nice and welcoming to Jamal in one minute than he has been to me for the past week. "It's tough but alhamdulilah I'm doing good. Is Ayeyo here? I've been craving her food for days." He asked. At that moment I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him, sucking up to my grandparents seems to really be working for him. I don't know why but seeing this guy that I don't know and my grandfather getting along so well as if they're related set me off for some reason.

"I'm going home." I said as I grabbed my bag. "What do you mean you're going home? I told you there's another two hours left until closing time and plus you don't have a car." Grandpa snapped, obviously annoyed at my behavior.

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