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"Even though my family can be over dramatic at times, I still wouldn't change a thing. Because at the end of the day, through all of the fights and arguments, we still have each other's backs no matter what." - Sahra Khan

" - Sahra Khan

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Chapter Ten:

When The Unimaginable Happens

☀️Sahra Khan☀️

I laid my head down on my pillow as I observed the droplets of rain pitter pattering on my windowsill. I then closed my eyes and tried to make sense of what just happened moments ago although it was impossible. Someone had followed us to our house and as for the reason why, I have no idea what so ever. Is this person protecting us? And if so, from what? Or from whom? I have all these questions yet no answer to any of them and it's killing me.

Seconds later I heard a knock on my door so I got up and opened it. It was Zakariya and from the look on his face I could tell that something was terribly wrong. His eyes were blood shot and his hair was disheveled as if he ran his hand through there a hundred times. I never wanted to be this wrong about something before in my life. But I had an awful feeling in the pit of my stomach that I wasn't. "W-What's wrong?" I asked in a scared tone. I started to freak out even more once I saw tears leaking out of his eyes.

He never cries.

Like, ever.

"Zak! What's wrong?!" I shouted.

"Sahra! Zak! The cops downstairs want to speak to you guys." Ismail shouted in a shaky voice from the bottom steps. I quickly wrapped a scarf around my head and rushed downstairs, wanting to find out for myself. As I went downstairs I saw two burly looking police men standing there with looks of dread on their faces. Before I knew it my eyes began to water and I felt as if my knees would give out any second. No, I shook my head furiously. This can't be happening.


Zak came downstairs this time, with a look of anger and utter disbelief. "I'm so sorry once again for your loss but we found Miss. Ali's body and now we need you guys to confirm if it's her or not. We've rendered the case homicide and we promise we won't rest until we found the person that is responsible and put them to justice..." By this point I stopped listening to them.

"No, you're lying! She isn't dead! Our mother isn't dead! She said she was just going to the grocery store! I spoke to her thirty minutes ago! She can't be dead!" Ismail started to cry his eyes out. I grabbed him and held him tightly as both of us fell to the floor cried and cried until there were no more tears left in us. This can't be happening, ya Allah.

I should've forgiven her when I had the chance! I never should've ignored her. I started to get hysteric by this point. It was like none of this was hitting me yet, I felt numb. Totally and utterly numb. This isn't the first time a mother figure has left me but why does this one hurt more? Maybe because I'm not the only one that lost her as a mother? Now Zak and Ismail have to feel what I felt for the past couple of years and I can't stand to see that.

I'm so sorry.

I jolted out of bed with my heart pounding uncontrollably and a thick bead of sweat on my forehead. It. was. just. a. dream. Alhamdulilah. I then turned to my bedside table and saw the clock and noticed it was 10 o'clock am. I quickly got out of bed, brushed my teeth and then ran into Aunty Amira's room. Luckily she was up and getting ready for work. "Sah-" I wrapped my arms around her before she could finish what she was going to say.

"I'm so sorry for acting the way I have been lately. I know you didn't tell me because you wanted to protect me and I love you for that. Thank you for taking me and raising as one of your own. Your the best mother a girl could ask for!" I rushed all together in one breath. "It's okay habibti but where is all of this coming from?" She asked as she turned around and wiped the tears that surprisingly made their way down my cheeks without me knowing.

"No where, it's just I realized I was being a brat and I should've listened to you." I said as I wiped my tears away with the back of my palm. That dream felt so real that even right at this moment I can't believe she's standing right in front of me. I already lost my real mother before and I'm not ready to lose another one, not now not ever.

After a couple of more seconds of hugging each other, we both made our way downstairs where we found both Zak and Ismail eating breakfast. For a couple of minutes we all sat in silence until I cleared my throat, trying to catch their attention. "I'm sorry for the way I've been acting lately towards all of you guys. Aunty Amira and I have made up now so everything is good now."

Zak let out an exaggerated sigh.


"Now can everything be normal again?" Ismail added.

I couldn't help the smile that made its way across my face as I took a bite of my pancake. Even though my family can be over dramatic at times, I still wouldn't change a thing. Because at the end of the day, through all of the fights and arguments, we still have each other's backs no matter what.

* * *

"Are you ready?" I asked Sumayah as we both prepared ourselves to open the journal. This journal could possibly hold all of the answers to our undying questions. "I don't know... Is it even worth finding out? I mean our parents split us up for a reason. Should we really find out when we know us knowing could be dangerous?" She was scared, I could tell that as clear as day.

And to be honest? I was too. But just of the thought of our mother keeping this a secret even when she was on her deathbed was enough for me to gather the courage and open the journal. I need to know why. "I'll read it if you don't want to. I'm sorry Sumayah but this is a must for me." I stated as I began to open the book but she quickly stopped me.

"Look Sahra, I know you want to know and so do I but someone is watching us. Things are getting more and more dangerous and I'm scared to find out what would happen once we know the truth. Our parents didn't want us to know for a reason. Just stop and think, okay?" She tried to convince me once again.

I snapped my head towards her in pure annoyance and frustration. "You weren't there, okay? When mom was taking her last breath. I was, and I have to know why she didn't say anything about this even when she was saying her last words to me. I have to know, and if you don't want to find out then you could leave." I pointed to the door on the passenger side of my car.

"You know what? I think I will." She got up and slammed the door as hard as she could. I let out a sigh and threw the journal towards the back seat and laid my head down in the staring wheel. I don't know what wrong with me. Ya Allah please give me patience and strength, I prayed.







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