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[Thought this was very fitting for Sumayah & Sahra and their relationship 💗]

"They were sisters by chance and could've passed each other by but Allah made it so that they were in the same place at the same time." -Sisters By Chance.

" -Sisters By Chance

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And Always Will Be

1 Year Later

This is it, Sumayah thought to herself as she looked once more in the mirror in front of her. The last four years that she's spent in school have led up to this day. The day that she got her degree in business and can branch out her boutique. Right now they were finishing getting ready for their joint graduation party. All of their family have come to celebrate this special day with them. A lot has happened these past two years such as Ader Ibrahim finally got married and started his own little family. Aunt Amira started her own cafe which she has always wanted to do. Zakariya realized his feelings for Dunya and now they are engaged. As well as Ismail actually did hit a big growth spurt and now he is the same height as his brother.

"I can't believe we graduated college." Sahra said with disbelief in her tone. She too has been looking forward to this day for as long as she could remember. Right now the twins are helping each other get ready for their ceremony which is only a few hours away.

"I know right, it's crazy." Sumayah responded. This past year has meant a lot to her, not only did she work hard on her schooling but she also spent a lot of her time building her company which has done exceptionally well. She decided that what she needed at this moment was not love or romance but to learn to love herself as she is. Whether she ends up marrying Cole is in Allah's hands and if they are really meant to be well, they will always find their way back to each other.

Sahra has also spent the past year not only working hard on her school but also being a wife to her husband Imran. Everyday still feels like they are in their honeymoon phase and she honestly does not think that that feeling will ever go away. The girls then made their way downstairs where the rest of their family was waiting for them.

"Here are my girls!" Ahmed made his way to his daughter and kiss them both on the forehead.

"Congratulations to our graduates!" Amira attacked them in a hug the moment they made their way down the steps.

"Thank you to the both of you. I know we wouldn't be where we are without our amazing parents." Sumayah told them gratefully.

"I love you both so much." Their father said as he hugged them both one more time.

"We love you too, Abo." The girls said in unison.

"I am so proud of you guys." She responded while tearing up.

"Aunty come on, you know if you cry then we'll cry." Sahra told her while wiping away her aunt's tears. Pretty soon everyone gathered around the twins and showered them in hugs and kisses.

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