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"I just always felt like there was something missing and that something was my mom" -Sumayah Ahmed

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"I just always felt like there was something missing and that something was my mom" -Sumayah Ahmed

"I just always felt like there was something missing and that something was my mom" -Sumayah Ahmed

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Chapter One:

New People and New Places

⭐️Sumayah Ahmed⭐️

I stared at my father wide eyed and with my mouth half hung open in awe of what he just told me. "Are you serious abo!? I know I messed up and I said I was sorry. But honestly what I did wasn't that bad!" I protested. This is utterly ridiculous. He was livid, I could tell by the way he kept on pacing back and fourth in the living room. "Wasn't that bad!? You chased the man away when he just came to speak with me! It wasn't as if you were going to get married right this second. I told you if you acted up one more time I'd send you to stay with your grandparents in Florida this summer  so that is precisely what I am going to do." He said seriously.

This is insane. I'm 21 years old yet he's treating me as if I was 9! All of my life my father has been babying me so could you blame me for getting sick and tired of it? "I already told your Awowa and Ayeyo so get packed. I also printed out your ticket and got everything else sorted, we're leaving tomorrow evening." He then walked passed me and into his room.

Damn it how did I get myself into this? I couldn't have accepted the last man that came to ask for my hand proposal, he was a total loser. "I hate my life." I groaned as I marched upstairs and into my bedroom. Suddenly my phone started to vibrate on my bed so I picked it up and looked at the caller ID.

It's Cole.

"What do you want?" I asked angrily. I can't stand this guy.  It's like he tries to get in contact with me at every worse moment possible.

"I want to apologize and you to hear me out." He responded. Hearing his voice annoyed the hell out of me. "I don't have time for this, Cole. So please just leave me alone. If you don't mind I have to go." I then hung up and jumped on top of my bed. Ya Allah when will my life start to get better? I hate feeling so suffocated like this. I prayed silently that my life would start to look up.

In my family it's always been Abo and me, just us. And because of it just being us I never really got to do anything I wanted. Abo has always been overprotective of me and I get it but sometimes it gets to be too much. Sometimes I just want to scream, you know? Sighing, I get up and start to pack my suitcase. Going to Florida for the summer isn't exactly a punishment, the punishment is staying with my grandparents.

I'm half Somali and half Indian and my grandparents are still upset about the fact that my father married an Indian women. Although it's not like they're mean to me or anything, I know deep down that they care for my father and I. But sometimes I can't help but feel like they don't accept me. "Here goes nothing," I muttered to myself as I filled my suitcase with hijabs, abayas, skirts, pants and shirts.

This is going to be one hell of a summer.

* * *

"I'm going to miss you so much," My best friend Dunya said as she tackled me in a hug. We've been saying good bye for the past ten minutes and I'm starting to think Abo is getting annoyed. "I'm going to miss you too! I'll call you once I land." I reassured her as we let go of each other."Okay you better not forget. Sorry I would stay and watch you take off but I have work." She then gave me one last hug and started to walk away.

After a couple of minutes of silence Abo cleared his throat and finally started talking to me. We haven't exactly been speaking to each other at all today. "You know I'm doing this because I love you, right quruxley? I hope you're not too upset with me." He said as he gave me a side ways hug.

"I know Abo and I'm not mad."

"Good call me once you land so I know that you arrived safely."

"Will do." I replied. I gave Abo a quick kiss on the cheek before boarding my plane. Looking on my ticket, I started searching for my seat. Luckily when I found it I noticed it was a window seat. "Yes," I said to myself as I sat down. I love looking out of the window and seeing the clouds. It makes me feel as if I could touch them. I remember the first time I got on a plane Abo and I were going to California for a vacation. That was one of the few times that I was genuinely happy.

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate my life or anything. I just always felt like there was something missing and that something was my mom. Every time I'd ask my father about her he'd give me a vague answer and then add that  I'd 'understand once I get older'. Well I'm older and I still don't understand. "First time flying?" A man that looked like he was in his mid thirties asked as he sat beside me. Something about this man was weird, when he turned to me I noticed that he had a huge scar above his left eye.

"N-No," I replied hesitantly. I don't know what it is about this man that gives me the creeps. Calm down Sumayah you're being paranoid! Yeah I should really cut down on watching horror movies. "Oh well it's my first time and I'm kind of nervous." He let out a half hearted laugh. "So forgive me if I start to freak out on you."

"It's cool I totally understand." I then turned to the window and watched as we started to take off.

* * *

"Sumayah!" My grandmother called. I immediately started running to where her and my grandfather were standing. "Salamualaikum," I said as I embraced both of them. "Walaikumusalam how are you habibti?" Awowa asked he grabbed my suitcase for me. "I'm good alhamdulilah how are you guys?" I responded with a small smile making its way to my face.

"Tired. Let's hurry up," Ayeyo stated as she quickly walked to the passenger seat of Awowa's car. I couldn't help but laugh a little at my grandmother, she's always been like this. I guess it's part of her charm. "Is Ader home?" I asked hoping that he was. My uncle is only 25 years old and I get along with him the most out of everyone in our family. "He's at work but will be home by 5." Awowa responded as he turned on the engine of the car.

We then drove home in silence.


First chapter is done! What do you guys think? Please leave your comments down below and buckle up for this crazy adventure that we are about to embark on!





MWAH!!:) 💋

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