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"Jeez, for a person who's so smart you sure can be dumb at times." -Sumayah Ahmed, SBC.

Chapter Twenty Three:

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Chapter Twenty Three:

Lean On Me

⭐️ Sumayah Ahmed⭐️

It was at 5:30 when we got the call that made life somehow come to screeching halt all together. I can't get the sound of Sahra's voice out of my head, the sound of panic and utter shock. Abo and I head rushed to the hospital that she said they took her and Imran to. When we got there, his parents, Dunya and Sahra were all seated in the waiting area. "I'm so sorry about what happened." Abo said as he approached Aunt Safa and Uncle Malik with regret. I quickly went up to where Dunya and Sahra sat and engulfed them in hugs.

"Are you okay?" I asked my twin worriedly.

"I-I'm fine, Alhamdulilah. Imran pushed me out of the way just in time but I'm so worried about him." Sahra cried as she started to fiddled with her blood stained hands.

"He'll be fine, In Shaa Allah. Imran is the toughest person that I know and he will get through this. We just have to make dua for him." Dunya responded reassuringly. It's true he is the strongest person I know as well. When we were younger he got into a car accident while his mother was driving and the car hit them from his side, alhamdulilah he made a full recovery then. He is the most resilient that I know and I know that In Shaa Allah, he will get through this. He has to.

"In Shaa Allah everything will be okay." I added.

Sahra then turned to Aunt Safa and Uncle Malik as tears continued to stream down her face. "I'm so sorry, Aunty and Uncle. If I had paid more attention to where I was going then he never would've had to push me out of the way. I am so sorry for causing this to happen, please forgive me." She sobbed. Aunt Safa walked up to her and placed a timid hand on Sahra's shoulder.

"It's okay, honey. You didn't mean for this to happen so it is not your fault. The only person responsible for this is the bastard that hit my son and drove off, so do not blame yourself. Everything will be alright In Shaa Allah." She said as she engulfed Sahra in a hug.

"Yes, sweetie please don't blame yourself." Uncle Malik added.

"Come here sweetheart, are you okay?" Abo asked once she walked back to where we were. She nodded in response while wiping away her remaining tears. "I'm okay, just shook up a little." She responded. We all made our way to the seats and waited Allah knows how long for the doctors to be done with the surgery.

"What did the doctors say?" I asked to no one in particular.

"They took him for surgery and haven't updated us yet." Dunya responded.

Ya Allah please let him be okay, I prayed silently. Dunya sat next to me and rested her head on my shoulder. We then waited for what felt like a decade but was mere hours until the doctors finally got out of the operating room and to where we were all sitting.

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