Number 8

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     Today was one of the most awkward, wonderful, and disappointing days of Sasuke's life. It all started at lunch with a certain suggestion made by a certain blonde.
    Naruto and Sasuke were sitting at the lunch table in silence, which Sasuke liked, but then Naruto broke it.
"Hey Sasuke what do you wanna do today after school?" He asked, boredom filling his voice.
"I don't know. What is there to do?" Sasuke said with boredom as well. Naruto put a finger to his chin thinking.
"Theres a girls soccer game today. Wanna check it out?"
"Uuuh sure. It's better than doing nothing at home."
So it was settled. After school they would go to the girls soccer game. It would be interesting to see how the girls play. Sasuke only know how boys play because when he was little he played on a soccer team. He stopped after awhile. It just got boring to him. Later on the bell rang and everyone went to class.
"Meet me outside at the entrance after school." Naruto declared.
Sasuke gave me a "hn" and went to class.
     After lunch Sasuke had three periods left. Those periods are pretty boring and annoying. Especially since the fan girls are in every class he had, but this class is more annoying than the other. The reason, or should I say person that makes his class so unbearable is Sakura Haruno. She is the pain of his existence. She's always all over him and doesn't get the message.
He doesn't like her, she's annoying. Not to mention how the other fan girls find every little thing he does so amazing. Class goes by quickly though. All he has to do is ignore Sakura and her little group of fan girls.
     After an hour and a half school was over. Sasuke went to the entrance to meet Naruto. Not too long after Naruto showed up.
"Sasuke let's go to the store." He ordered.
"I thought we were supposed to watch the game?"
"We are. It doesn't start 'til four."
Sasuke looked at his phone's clock. They have about two hours before the game starts. They could go to Naruto's house, play a game of Mortal Kombat, then walk back to the school to make it in time for the game. That's how much time they had. Sasuke just followed Naruto to the store. It was only a five to ten minute walk. They walked in and Naruto went straight to the aisle with stuff animals. Sasuke just continued to follow him with a confused look. He browsed through each and every animal. Suddenly he picked one up. It was a multi-colored teddy bear.
"How come your buying that?" Sasuke asked surprised.
"It's for my cousin. She's on the soccer team. I usually buy her something after her games."
Sasuke just nod in understanding. After browsing around the store for a bit, Naruto paid for the bear and we left. It was only 2:55. They still had a whole hour left.
"What should we do now?" Sasuke questioned.
"I was thinking we could watch the girls warm up."
Sasuke and Naruto started walking back to the school as slow as possible trying to kill time.
     About ten minutes later they reached the school. They had to walk all the way to the back of the school to get to the soccer field. When the two got there all the girls from our school were on one side of the feild stretching. While the team from the other were doing the same thing on the other side. Each team counted out loud and in unison. By the time Sasuke and Naruto took their seats on the bleachers the girls were done stretching. They were practicing skills and goal kicking, but there was one particular girl that stood out to Sasuke. She had beautiful [H/L] [H/C] hair, and [S/C] skin. She was an amazing soccer player.
"Hey Naruto. Whats number 8's name."
"Oh that's [Y/N] [L/N]. She the most sporty girl I've ever seen."
"Really. What sports does she play."
"In the fall she plays soccer of course, then winter basketball, and in the spring softball. She even does cheerleading outside of school all year round. She chooses the number 8 for her soccer jersey after Homare Sawa, a Japanese soccer player. I don't know how she gets straight A's."
Sasuke nod his head still looking and [Y/N].
"You've takin a liking to her?" Naruto asked with a smirk.
"Maybe." Sasuke says smirking.
(So I gave up on change the pov so it's back to Sasuke's until you get to the chapter were I changed it. This is because I'm lazy sorry)
     Soon the game started. Watching the girl play is magnificent. The way she runs back and forth captivates me. Seeing the sweat drip down her skin was kind of attractive, not going to lie. She's deserves to be a forward. She breaks people's ankles with easy. That's why it was pretty shocking to see her fall after someone tripped her, but she got right back without even limping. She's amazing.
It's been 45 minutes in the game and the score is 20-5 Konoha. [Y/N] scoring 7 of those goals.
     75 minutes later the game was over. The score was 30-15 Konoha.  Our team all huddled up and hugged each other screaming "we won".
  After the celebration Naruto went down to where the team was. I tailed behind him. He walked over and tapped a girl on her shoulder. She turned around and to my surprise it was 
[Y/N]. She immediately attacked Naruto with a hug smiling.
Are they going out?
After they released,    [Y/N] caught eye of me.
"Who's this?" She asked smiling. What a wonderful smile.
"Oh this is my friend Sasuke. Sasuke this is my cousin [Y/N]."
"Hi." She suck out her hand and I shook it replying with a "hi".
"Oh I gotchu something." Naruto spoke. He reached in his book bag and pulled out the bear he brought. Her eyes lite up as she saw it.
"Thank you!" She said excitedly hugging the bear.
"No problem."
"Hey do you think I could come to your house. My mom is still at work and my dad well...You know."
"Yeah of course."
I wonder what's wrong with her dad.
Yes! A chance to be with [Y/N].
Hello my fellows how you doin'. Hope this first chapter was good. I have nothing else to say except. I LOVE SOCCER. Hint hint. Goodbye.

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