I Like Her

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Sasuke's POV
The next day I walk into school with the usual crowd of fangirls hording around me. This annoys me a lot. I wish I could push them all out my way, but then I'd be considered a jerk for putting my hands on a girl. Anyways I spot [Y/N] at her locker off in the distance. I figured I'd go over there and say hi, so that's what I did.
"Hey [Y/N]."
"Oh. Hey Sasuke." She said with a smile.
"I see your pretty popular with the girls."
"Oh them. I don't pay attention to them."
"I wouldn't either. There all mindless fangirl zombies who look for boys."
I'm glad someone agrees with me. At that moment the bell rang and everyone scurried to class.
"Well I have to get to class now." [Y/N] said.
"Yeah me too. Hey do you want to sit with me and Naruto at lunch."
"Uh sure."
"Great. See you at lunch."
We both went our separate ways to class. She is the first girl to be so calm talking to me in forever. She's different, and I like that.
A couple periods later lunchtime came. [Y/N] did sit with us at lunch.
We introduced her to everyone there. ([A/N] The boys from konoha 11. The girls are at a different table except for Hinata she's sitting with y'all.) She's pretty funny. She's bright and positive. Which I admire. Somehow at lunch we got into a game of would you rather.
"Ok. Would you rather be stuck on the most terrifying rollercoaster in the world for the rest of your life or kiss Sasuke." [Y/N] challenges Naruto.
"Kiss Sasuke. I mean we already did before." Naruto answered.
"What!? Y'all kissed!"
"It was an accident though."
"What do you mean an accident? How do you kiss someone by accident?"
"Well. I was mad at Sasuke so I decided to stand on top of the desk and just stare at him. That's when someone behind me bumped into me making me fall right into Sasuke's face. All the fangirls got mad at me and beat me up."
"I remember that. Those girls really messed you up." Kiba said.
"Aww Naruto you got beat up by a bunch of girls."
I could tell [Y/N] was trying so hard to hold in her laugh.
"Hey. Don't you laugh at me [Y/N]." Naruto commanded. That only made [Y/N] laugh even more and she eventually bust out laughing. Her laugh was wonderful, and I can tell she's not faking it like most girls would do. Soon everyone was at the table was laughing.
"[Y/N] how long have you known Naruto?" Choji asked.
"Since we were little." She answered.
If they have been together for that long. How come he's never mentioned her before?
Everyone at the table were chatting away.
[Y/N] was mostly talking to Hinata. I wouldn't blame her. They're the only two girls at the table. Soon enough the bell rung and everyone went to their classes.
     After lunch I had Classes with kiba, Neji, and Ino. In class they were all talking about [Y/N].
"[Y/N] is a real hottie." Kiba said flirty. ([A/N] if thts even a word)
"Oh come on she's not that hot." Ino uttered with her arms crossed.
"Are you serious! You must be blind."
"As if."
"Pfft Neji knows what I'm talking bout."
"What?" Neji asked confused looking up from his phone.
"Don't you think [Y/N]'s hot?" Kiba questioned.
"I guess." Then Neji went straight back to whatever he was doing on his phone.
"Well Neji doesn't count. He goes out with Tenten he can't say another girl is hot." Ino said defensive.
"Ok. Sasuke. What do you think?"
Why do you have to put me in this? I could tell Ino was looking at me desperately awaiting for my answer.
"She's pretty good looking." I replied.
"See. I just think you're jealous." Kiba teased.
"Why would I be jealous."
"Because you're no longer the hottest one in the group."
Ino huffed at that statement and stomped her way to her seat.
"Someone's mad." Kiba said.
At that moment the teacher came into the classroom. Everyone went to their correct seats as the teacher took attendance. During that Kiba turned around to me and said.
"I know you like her." Smirking then turned back around. Shit is it that obvious!
"For your information. I don't." I lied to Kiba.
"Ok man. Whatever you say."
That was sarcasm. I would say something back, but the teacher was looking at us so I left it alone.
     After school i thought I would ask [Y/N] to hang out with Naruto and I again. I walked through hallways and spotted [Y/N] at her locker and walked up to her.
"Hey [Y/N]." I said.
"Hey Sasuke. What's up."
"I just wanted to ask you if you could hang out with me and Naruto again today."
"Sorry I can't I have soccer."
"What about after?"
"I have cheer. Sorry."
"It's ok."
"Maybe we could do something Friday. I don't have any practice."
"Uh sure. Sounds good."
"Kay. See you then."
She then closed her locker and walked off to the locker room. I started to walk away until I heard my name. I turned back around and saw [Y/N] running towards me.
"Here my number so you can text me." She said hading me a piece of paper. I took it and off she went. Again. I put the number in my pocket and walked out the school. I meat Naruto at our usual place. We then walk home together. On the walk home Naruto asked me a question I didn't want to hear.
"So do you like [Y/N]?"
I stayed silent assuming he'd know my answer would be "she's alright" and not bother me again, but that's not what happened.
"I mean it's ok if you like my cousin."
"She's a really nice girl."
"I actually want her to have a boyfriend and not focus on just sports and school."
I exhale getting irritated by Naruto's constant talking.
"I think you and her would be a pretty good match."
"Like I said it's toootaly fine if you guys date."
"Ok fine I like her not get off my ass!" I yell irritated and annoyed. Naruto just looked at me with hope in his eyes.
"What!?" I asked.
"You like [Y/N]! This is great! Y'all can be together!"
"Please don't make a big deal about it. She might not even like me back."
"That why we're gonna find out."
"You'll see."

Hope this was good. Sorry for uploading so late. That's all. Have a wonderful life!

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