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     I laid there in the bed texting Sasuke assuring him that I was ok. As I was typing I heard movement next to me. I look over and see Sakura laying on the other bed. I felt bad for beating the living life out of her. I wish I could have controlled myself more.
"Hey Sakura?" I called.
"What?" She answered.
"I'm sorry for beating you up."
"No need to apologize. I deserved."
"I deserved it. I should've never messed with you because you hang out with Sasuke. I get the picture now anyways. He doesn't want me. I'm just gonna leave it alone."
"Cool." I said nonchalantly.
     After awhile the nurse came back in.
"Ok [Y/N] you can leave now. You can't play at your practice today either. I e-mailed you coach about it. " She said.
"Ok thank you. And can I play tomorrow?"
"Your welcome. And yes you can."
"Ok good."
I got out of the bed and walked through the office and out the door.
I walked through the halls going to my class and I heard my name.
"Yes Naruto." I said turning around.
"Whoa what happened to you! Do I have to beat someone up?"
"It's a long story and trust me. That's already been taking care of."
"Tell me now I have time."
"No I have to go to class, and aren't you supposed to be in class right now."
"Uh no. I have a free period."
He's lying.
"Yeah ok. Anyway I have to get going. Catch ya later."

Sasuke's POV
     Last period was finally over. I got my stuff and headed towards [Y/N]'s locker. I went up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind.
"Hey baby." I said sweetly.
She smiled.
"So we're doing pet names I see?" She asked giggling.
"Is there something wrong with that?"
She closed her locker and we started walking hand and hand.
"You have practice today right?" I asked her.
She nodded.
"You don't have to stay though. The nurse said I can't play today."
"So your gonna be sitting out?"
"Maybe I could keep you company."
On our way to the field
[Y/N]'s phone rang. She paused and got her phone out her pocket.
"Hello." She answered.
"Oh ok will do. Bye."
"Who was that?" I asked.
"My coach. She told me to go home and rest instead of just sitting and doing nothing at practice."
"Well that's good."
"Because then you could come to my house." I said smirking. [Y/N] giggled.
"Ok, but don't try anything."
"Don't worry I want."
We continued to walk to my house. We talked about school on the way there. In no time we made it my house and went in. We both sat down on the couch next to each other.
"I'm hungry." [Y/N] mentioned.
"Me too. I have some food in the fridge. I got up and walked into the kitchen. I came back with a container of sliced tomatoes.
"Tomatoes?" [Y/N] asked disgusted.
"What's wrong with tomatoes?"
"They disgust me." (Sorry if you like tomatoes).
"What!? Have you even tried them?"
"I have. Once."
I opened the container and took one out, and held it up infront of her.
"You should try it again." I suggested. [Y/N] shook her head no.
"Once is enough!"
"Come on you might like it now."
I shoved the tomato slice towards [Y/N] in an attempt to put it in her mouth. She just turned her head and pushed my hand out the way.
"I don't want to eat it!" She protested.
I kept trying to put the tomato in her mouth, only for her to push it away. After a few times of that I grabbed her wrists in one hand pushing her down on the couch with me on top of her. I tried shoving the tomato in her mouth again, but she shut her mouth tightly moving her head side to side avoiding the "disgusting" thing.
"Come on [Y/N] open your mouth and eat it!" I said through laughter.
"No! I don't want to!"
I then poke her stomach causing her to gasp because of the tickling sensation the poke made. I took this chance to slip the tomato in her mouth.
"Ah that's disgusting!" She yelled. She was tempted to spit it out, but that would be disrespectful. So she toughed up and swallowed it. I felt her shiver as it slid down her throat.
It was at that moment I started to stare deep in
[Y/N]'s eyes. She did as well. We both then realized what position we were in and I quickly sat up. Once I got up she sat up to. The atmosphere was awkward and silent now.
"Wanna play a game?" I asked breaking the silence.
"Sure!" She agreed. He went to the game station and turned it on.
"What game do you wanna play?"
"Whatchya got."
I started to name many different games to her. We both agreed to play GTA5. We played for hours. When [Y/N] played it was just a serious of car crashes, stealing, and fighting.
Same thing with me expect I could drive, so I could get away from the police. By the time we were done playing the sun was very low in the sky.
"Hey don't you have cheer practice?" I asked.
"Oh shoot yeah. And my mom's at work."
"I could drive you there."
"Yeah thanks. Can you drop me off at my house. I need to change."
"Yeah of course."
We got up, Sasuke took his keys from the counter, and we both headed out.

Hello. It's me. I was wondering if you enjoyed this chapter. I have decided to have the rest of this story to be in 3rd person because I feel like it's better to have that way and I don't feel like changing the other chapters to 3rd person so just pretend it was always like this.Well that's is for now. Gdtyfugh bye

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