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     Well today is Friday. Which means after school the three of us are gonna hang out.
[Y/N] had texted me awhile ago saying we can walk to where ever, then walk back to Naruto's house. Which I agreed to.
Right now I'm in my last period ignoring Sakura's annoying presence.
     About thirty minutes later school was finally over. I went to [Y/N]'s locker so we could wait for Naruto and leave.
"Hey you ready?" I asked calmly.
We walked out the school door and waited for Naruto to come out, but he never did.
"Let me call him." [Y/N] suggested. She pulled out her phone and called Naruto.
"Hey where are you?"
"Ok. Feel better."
She then hung up.
"So what happened."
"Apparently he got sick. It's funny. He was fine yesterday."
"Yeah. He was. I guess it's just us two."
I guess this was his plan. I'm not complaining.
"So where do you want to go?" I asked.
"I don't know. The movies?"
"Sounds good."
We walked to the nearest movie theater. It was one of those three dollar movie theaters.
"So what movie do you want to see?" I asked her.
"I don't know. Let me check what movies are out."
She pulled out her phone and looked up current movies in Google.
"Uh there's Cars3, Wonder Women, Despicable Me3, Transformers." She called out.
"Any scary movies?"
"There's 47 Metters Down and The mummy."
"Is The Mummy fine with you?"
"Yeah sure."
She said that so calm! Most girls would be all nervous agreeing then spend the whole movie clinging to me. She's different! We went in and went to the ticket line. I saw [Y/N] pull out her wallet.
"You don't have to pay for your ticket I got it." I told her.
"Sasuke. It's only three dollars."
"No. Let me pay."
"Fine, but I'm paying for my snacks."
     We got our tickets and our snacks and went to the movie room. We found our seats as the previews played.
During the movie [Y/N] and I watched normal while the others were scared out of their mind. Everytime a scary part came and people screamed we laugh! This did earn us some angry looks, but we just played it off.
     Soon the movie was over and we walked out.
"That movie wasn't that scary." [Y/N] said laughing. 
"It really wasn't."
[Y/N] wanted to check up on Naruto to make sure he wasn't dying. I knew he was lying, but I didn't want to tell her.
As we walked our way to Naruto's house [Y/N] noticed a park. In the park there were some teenagers playing soccer.
"Oo Sasuke they're playing soccer! Let's join them!" She stated excitedly.
"I don't know."
"Oh come on. You still owe me that game."
[Y/N] grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the grassy area. She introduce us and asked if we could play. They agreed and put us on teams. [Y/N] and I of course were on different teams.
The game started off slow and calm. Until
[Y/N] started getting competitive. Which caused ever else to step up their game. The game went on for like 45 minutes until the sun started to go down.
"Hey it's getting dark we have to go." They said.
We nodded and let them leave. After they left
[Y/N] and I started walking to Naruto's house again. On the walk we talked about school, and how we hate some people.
     We finally made it to Naruto's house. I rang his doorbell and waited for him to answer. A few minutes later the door swung open to a health looking Naruto.
"Naruto! You don't look so sick!" She said suspiciously crossing her arms.
"Oh it wasn't like a quick sick. I uh threw up, but I feel better now." He explained.
"Oh. So you don't mind if we come in."
"Not at all."
We went into Naruto's house and sat on the couch.
"You guys wanna watch a movie or something?" He asked bordley.
"Sure. Two movies in one day won't hurt." I agreed.
Naruto setup Netflix on his TV.
"What do you wanna watch?" Naruto asked scrolling through new releases.
"Let's find something funny." [Y/N] suggested. We all agreed.
We chose to watch Minions because, why not we're bored cut us some slack. By this time it was around 9:00 at night. The movie was around two hours. Half way through the movie [Y/N] was nodding off to sleep. I didn't really pay attention to it and watched the movie. Close to the ending of the movie the door bell ring. Naruto paused the movie. I looked over at [Y/N] to find her fast asleep!
"That's probably her mom." Naruto said on his way to the door, and it was.
"Is [Y/N] here?" Her mother asked.
"Yeah, but she fell asleep on the couch." Naruto explained.
"Oh. Well in that case just let her sleep here. I'll be back to get her in the morning."
Her mother waved Naruto goodbye and left.
Naruto came back into the living room and saw me sitting next to [Y/N].
"Did you do that?" Naruto asked referring to the blanket over her.
"Don't start Naruto."
"I never seen you act like this."
"And your starting to get annoying."
"You must really like her."
"I guess."
At that moment [Y/N] woke up all confused.
She sat up and looked at us.
"So what's going on?" She asked sleepily.
"Sleepover!" Naruto yelled. They both started screaming and jumping around like teenaged girls in a movie. After they were done they started laughing and sat back down.
"Let me tell my mom first." [Y/N] said.
"It's ok your mom knows. She came over and saw you sleeping so she said just let her stay the night."
     For the rest of the night we all stayed up playing games and eating. We didn't got to sleep until 4:00 in the morning.

Hello. Hoped you enjoyed. I'm sorry if this chapter sucks. I had a small case of writers block. Anyways that's it. Duces.

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