Ice Cream and Tomatoes

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     It was now just Naruto, you, and Sasuke in the car. Sasuke dropped everyone else off at they're houses'.
"Sasuke can we stop by the convince store so I can by some ice cream." You pleaded.
"How can you eat that?"
"What it's good."
"Alright. We'll stop by the convince store."
In five minutes you were at the convince store. You walked in and ran right to the frozen section. You scanned over the different flavors they had. You've been looking at them for awhile.
"Hurry up and choose one already." Naruto said irritated.
"Shut up. I'm indecisive. I'm just gonna get vanilla."
You grabbed the small vanilla ice cream tub and walked to the cash register. After you paid for it you all went back to the car and drove home. Naruto went to his house and you and Sasuke were at Sasuke's house.
You sat on the couch eating your ice cream while Sasuke ate his tomato.
"The smell of your ice cream is making me nauseous." Sasuke spoke.
"Well your tomato is making me nauseous and I'm not complaining."
When you were eating you suddenly got an idea.
"Sasuke." You called.
"Hm." He hummed.
"You should try some."
"Come on. I'm telling you it's good."
"Not a chance!"
"I'll make a deal with you."
"What's the deal."
"If you eat a slice of a tomato I'll eat a spoonful of ice cream."
You thought about for a minute.
"Deal." You said sternly.
Sasuke took a pice of tomato of the tomato he was already eating. He handed it to you and you took it slowly. You held it in your hand staring at it.
"Are you gonna eat it or what?" Sasuke questioned.
"Yeah I am."
Bit by bit you brought the tomato closer to your mouth, and finally. You put it in your mouth and bit down. Chills went through you body as you chewed. The texture of it made you want to spit it out. You eventually swallowed and you shivered as it went down. Sasuke chuckled as you gagged over dramatically.
"Oh my god! That was terrible!" You practically screamed.
Sasuke just laughed.
"Now you have eat ice cream." You said as you got a big scoop of ice cream.
"No I don't."
Sasuke then got up and ran outside.
"Hey get back here!" You yelled chancing after him still with the spoon in your hand.
Sasuke kept running back and forth between the backyard and the living room. This went on for awhile until you decide to hide and strike at the right time.
"[Y/N]." Sasuke yelled.
"Where'd you go?"
You saw Sasuke through  the crack of the door you left. Once he was in front of the door you jumped out and tackled him to the ground. Once he was down and restrained you force feed him the ice cream. Don't even know how the ice cream stayed on the spoon. Sasuke's face went sour. You laughed at they way he looked.
Once your laughing died down you bent down giving Sasuke a kiss on the lips.
"Better?" You chuckled.
"Yeah." Sasuke nodded.
You got off of him allowing him to get up.
Once you two were up you went back to the couch. You started eating your ice cream again. While you were eating Sasuke was plotting. Plotting for revenge. Then he got a wonderful idea.
He lead in close to your face.

Kinda like this

"What are you doing?" You ask suspicious

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"What are you doing?" You ask suspicious.
Next thing you know Sasuke's lip connected with yours you went with it kissing him back. What caught you off guard was his tongue make it's way into your mouth. You didn't mind. Until a certain taste entered your mouth, and not a good one. It was the taste of...Tomatoes! You push Sasuke off and ran to the kitchen sink spitting out the tomato mush. You grabbed the sprayer hose that was attached to the skin and sprayed your mouth with it. You were hollering the whole time. You could hear Sasuke laughing his butt of behind you.
You walked over there with fire in your eyes. Sasuke notice and immediately stop laughing.
"You'll pay for this Sasuke. You will pay." You threatened pointing a finger at him. You then sat down with your arms folded looking at the TV.
"Dont be mad baby." Sasuke plead putting his head on your shoulder. You couldn't stay mad at him. When he acted like that it would always break you.
"Ok, but I'm still getting you back." You warned kissing his forehead.
You decided to spend the night at Sasuke's house again. Sasuke was sound asleep while you were pretending to sleep to fool Sasuke, so you can prank him.
Itachi was in on it to. He was inside the closet waiting for his que to come out.
You quickly sat up in bed and started "hyperventilating". Sasuke woke up and sat up with you.
"Babe what's wrong?" Sasuke asked panicked.
"I had another bad dream." You say through "shortened breath".
Sasuke hugged you as you mutter into his chest what happened in your "dream"
"You're brother he was crazy he came out of your closet and attacked us with a knife! There was blood everywhere!"
"It's ok sweetie it was just a dream." Sasuke assured you.
"Or was it!" Itachi yelled bursting through the closet. Sasuke screamed as he through pillows at Itachi. You sat there dying of laughter. Once Sasuke realized you and Itachi where laughing he stopped screaming.
"This is a prank isn't it." He said defeated.
"Yeah." You laughed out.
"That's not funny."
Sasuke crossed his arm with a frown on his face.
"I'm sorry baby, but it was." You said still laughing hard while you gave Sasuke a hug. Mean while itach was rolling on the floor laughing. Eventually Sasuke cracked and started laughing too.
"[Y/N] your laugh is weird." He giggled.
You laughed even harder causing you to fall onto the bed.
Through out the night you would have fits of laughter. Everytime you two would kiss you would laugh causing you to break apart. You eventually did go to sleep though.

So this is the last chapter. I forgot to tell you guys in the last chapter that there was one more chapter left. But hopefully you guys liked this and it wasn't trash. hope y'all chrimah wah good and happy nue yeer. That's it from me good bye.

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