Aren't on Speaking Terms

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     Three days have past since you and Sasuke haven't commutated. Instead of going to lunch in the cafeteria, you ate lunch with Sakura on the roof. She was a pretty nice girl! She changed a lot! It was a good thing too.
Your ankle was getting better you could walk without you crutches now with little pain. The doctor said it still might take a few weeks for it to completely heal though, and you still have to wear the ankle splint. You were still pretty mad at Sasuke. Everytime you saw him it boiled you insides! You ignored every text and every call he made!Everytime he would approach you in the hallways you walked away. Sasuke took this hard. He would barley talk to people. He was back to the old Sasuke. Shutting everyone out. Even Naruto. He would skip out on lunch and go to the library. He would get into fights with his older brother too! He just wanted to talk to you and explain everything, but you just kept turning him down. He eventually gave up and stopped trying to contact you. He was a big ball of coldness. While all this was going on Ino tried making her move many times. She did everything to piss you off. She would flirt with Sasuke Everytime you were near. It annoyed you when she did that. You tried to ignore it, but deep down inside you wanted to beat the both of them!
     You were walking down the hallway on your way to the bathroom after soccer practice when you ran into a bitchy blonde.
"Oh [Y/N]. How are you?" She asked with a fake cheery voice.
"Fuck off Ino. I don't want to hear your mouth."
"Oh someone's angry. Looks like jealousy got the best of you."
"I'm not jealous. You can have Sasuke. He's a piece of shit anyway."
"Oh really. So you don't mind if we hug, or even if we...kiss." She smirked.
You clenched your fist at her words. Of course you didn't want them to do that! You calmed down knowing that she wanted you to get mad.
"I'm gonna go." You said. You walked past her out the doors. You still were quiet angry. To blow off some steam you went to the soccer field. You figured kicking the ball around would calm you down.
     A few hours past and you were still at the field. You were working on your goal kicks even though you weren't supposed to. Every kick you made didn't make it into the goal! It either was too high or didn't have enough power to make it there! You were frustrated so you kicked the ball as hard as you could! You were dumb to do that because when you did you hurt your ankle.
"Ah! Shit!" You cursed. You sat down on the grass as you held you ankle.
"You should be careful. Don't want to injure yourself more." You heard a familiar voice say.
You stood up and turned around and saw Sasuke. He had his hands in his pockets looking at you.
"What are you doing here?" You asked annoyed.
"I was taking a walk and decide to come here."
"Well continue with you walk."
"[Y/N] don't be like that."
"What do you expect! You kissed Ino! You cheated on me! And to think I was going to apologize to you."
"[Y/N] if you'll let me explain-."
"There's nothing to explain! I saw what I sa-!"
"Can you just shut up and listen to me!"
You both went quite.
Sasuke exhaled calming himself down.
"Look I didn't kiss Ino. She kissed me." Sasuke explained.
"Yeah that's what they all say."
Sasuke grabbed your shoulders facing you towards him. You turned your head avoiding eye contact.
"[Y/N] look at me. In the eyes." Sasuke ordered.
You slowly turned your gaze to Sasuke's eyes. When you did he started speaking.
"I didn't kiss Ino. She kissed me."
You moved Sasuke's hand off your shoulder and walked past him.
"[Y/N], where are you going?" Sasuke asked disappointed.
"To find Ino and kick her ass!"
"[Y/N] wait!" Sasuke grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him. He held your waist preventing you from going anywhere. You struggling to get free.
"Let me go Sasuke I have to do beat a bitch down!" You screamed.
"[Y/N] calm down. Don't stoop down to her level."
You stop trying to get free and turned around to face Sasuke. You locked lips with Sasuke and he kissed back passionately.
"What was that for? Not that I'm complaining."
"To be honest I really missed you." You confessed.
"Oh really." Sasuke smirk.
"Yeah." You chuckled.
"I've missed you too."
Sasuke kissed your cheeked and wrapped you in a warm hug. You snuggled in his chest missing this feeling.
"Why don't we go back to my house." Sasuke suggested.
     At Sasuke's you were in the living room watching a scary movie in the dark. It didn't phase you or Sasuke. Why would it?
After the movie was over it was around 9:00 at night.
"Do you want me to drive you home. It's getting late."
"Nah I told my mother I was spending the night at Naruto's."
"Oh did you now!" Sasuke beamed wrapping his arm around your waist pulling him close to you.
"Sasuke that's not why I did it." You said pushing him away as he tried to kiss your neck.
"Then why did you?"
"Sasuke I wanted to spend time with you!" You whined playfully hitting his shoulder.
Sasuke once again snaked his arms around you pulling you to him.
"You're so cute when you whine." Sasuke smiled.
You chuckled and kissed him as he held your you in his arms. Sasuke leand back on the couch causing you to be on top of him.
Next thing you know you feel wet. You open your eyes to see Itachi spraying water at the both of you!
You two shot up.
"Itachi!" Sasuke whined.
"Don't do anything you'll regret." Itachi simply said and went to the kitchen.
"Hey we should order some pizza." You said.
"Sounds good to me."

Hello. I think there's gonna be one more chapter left. I'm not sure yet. Anyway thts all. See ya next time. Not literally.

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