Making Things Work

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Still Sasuke's POV
I open the door to see [Y/N] on top of Sakura punching the shit out of her! I also see girls standing around them. I quickly ran over grabbing [Y/N] by her waist and pulling her off of Sakura! She screamed and yelled still trying to get at Sakura! What the hell happened?
"[Y/N] calm down its me Sasuke!" I yelled as she thrashed around. When she heard me she instantly stop. I let go of her and she turned to me confused. She had scratches on her face and a bruise on her cheek.
"Sasuke? When did you get here? What's going on?" She said.
"What do you mean? You were beating Sakura up so I broke it up!"
I turned her around to Sakura who was spitting up blood.
"Oh my god! I did that?" She asked shocked.
"Yeah! What happened?"
"I don't know! I-" She exhaled running her hand through her hair. I could tell she was stressed out. I just decided to get the other girl to take Sakura and leave. They carried her away as [Y/N] sat down on a bench that was there. Once they were gone I sat down next her.
"So what happened?" I asked calmly.
[Y/N] just started at her hands in her lap.
"All I remember is Sakura and her group coming up here. The girls grabbed me and held me. I kicked them off and ran, but Sakura caught me by my hair. She said something that made me extremely mad and thats all I remember." She explained as she stared out in the distance.
"You must of blacked out."
"I know. It happens when I get angry."
"What did she say to make you get so angry?"
"It's nothing."
"Yes it is!"
"Not really."
"It had to be something if it made you so mad."
"She said that you were here ok! Happy now?" She said raising her voice.
She looked back down at her lap.
"Why would you get angry about that. She claims it all the time."
"Maybe it's because.......I have feelings for you. Which is bad I know."
My face brightened up when she said that.
"No it's good-."
"No it's not!" She cut me off.
"I have to many things going on in my life to have feelings for someone let alone date someone I need to focus on school work if I want to continue sports it's just to-!"

     "Why would you get angry about that. She claims it all the time." He asked with a deep voice.
"Maybe it's because.......I like you. Which is bad I know." I confessed.
"No it's good-."
"No it's not." I cut him off.
"I have to many things going on in my life to have feelings for someone let alone date someone I need to focus on school work if I want to continue sports it just to-."
I was cut off by Sasuke's lips crashing into mine! I was shocked! I didn't know what to do! So I only did what what my heart wanted. I relax into the kiss closing my eyes kissing him back.
His hand was on my check as we kissed. My heart was beating a mile a minute!When we broke apart we looked into each other's eye.
"[Y/N]. I like you too." He smiled.
I smiled back, but it faded into a frown as realization occurred.
I removed his hand from my cheek standing up.
"No this is bad!" I said as I walked to the ledge.
"I can't get distracted!"
Sasuke went after me. He grabbed my shoulders and turned me around to face him.
"[Y/N]. You're gonna be fine. Just give it a chance." He said grabbing my hands in his.
"You really want this to work?"
"Yes. And I know you do to."
I bit my lip as my nerves were everywhere. So many thoughts going through my mind, but I made my decision quickly.
I took in a deep breath and exhaled. I looked up at him.
Sasuke smiled.
"You mean it?" He asked.
I nodded my head yes and smiled. He pulled me into a tight embrace kissing the top of my forehead. Maybe this could work out.
"Come on let's go to the nurse so she can take care of your wounds." Sasuke suggest.
"Yeah. Good idea." I agreed.
He took my hand and walked me there.
     We went into the nurse's office and she told us to wait for her. A few minutes later she came back to us.
"What's the problem?" She asked with her hands on her hips.
"My face." I told her.
"I see. Let me check it out."
She put on gloves and examined my face. She touched the bruise on my cheek which made wince in pain. When she was done she took of the gloves and through them away.
"So how did this happen?" She questioned.
Sasuke and I turned to each other. If I say I got into a fight then she'll tell the principal and I'll get suspended. Then I won't be able to do sports.
"Uh. I tripped...And fell right on the concrete with my face." I lied on the fly. (I GOT BARS)
"Well you might have a concussion so your gonna have to stay her for awhile. Your friend here can go back to class." She said.
"Feel better." Sasuke told me and got up and left.
I smiled to myself.
"Ok follow me." The nurse said gesturing with her hand where to go. I followed her to that back were there were beds.
"Lay down here. I'm gonna get and ice pack for your cheek, and what ever you do don't go to sleep. If you start feeling light head or dizzy call for me ok."
I nodded and obeyed her every word. Not too long after she came back with an ice pack. I put it on my cheek as she walked away. Well this was a pretty eventful day.

Beeboobah hi. I'm weird I'm sorry. Anyways hope this was good I don't have anything to mention so that's it. Bye
P.s. srry for missing an update thats why I did a double update.

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