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Today was the weekend and because your mother wasn't going to drive you to cheer practice for no reason so you could spend time with your friends you were at Sasuke's house.
You two were laying down in Sasuke's bed watching some TV. You sat up and sighed.
"What's wrong?" Sasuke asked concerned sitting up with you.
"I want to do something."
"We can play some video games?"
"Nah I need to do something active. Let's play basketball!"
"Are you sure that's a good idea. What about your ankle."
"It's fine. Plus the doctor said I can walk on it now."
"Oh yeah."
"Prove it. Walk around the room without your crutches."
"Ok. No problem."
You climbed over Sasuke to the edged of the bed. You set both feet on the floor. As you began to stand up you put pressure on your ankle causing you great pain, but you hid the pain as best as you could. You then started limping your way around the room.
"See I can walk." You said through gritted teeth.
"You're in pain."
"No I'm not."
"Yes you are I can see it in you face. You don't have to lie."
"I'm not lying."
"Babe it's ok come sit down I don't want you to injury yourself more."
"No I'm fine."
"Why do you have to be so stubborn."
You were taken back by Sasuke's words. You weren't being stubborn. You just wanted to play.
"Stubborn? What do you mean?" You asked him a hint of annoyance in you voice.
"I mean you need to rest. And get your mind off of sports. That's the only thing you think of."
"So what if it is. You should still except it."
"I can't expect it if it's tearing my girlfriend aways from me."
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about all the times we could've been able to spend together but you chose sports. I hardly even get to be with you because of it!"
Sasuke raised his voice at you. You felt hurt when he did. When he realized what he had done he tried to apologize to you.
"Look. Babe in sorry for yelling at you."
He tried to give you a hug, but you turned away from it.
"If you won't expect it fine. Im leaving." You said getting you crutches and walking away.
"Wait [Y/N]."
"Don't follow me!" You yelled at him slamming the front door. Sasuke exhaled sitting down in his computer chair.
"Did you guys fight." Itachi asked peeking his head in.
"Yeah. I fucked up."
"I know. I heard everything."
You went to Naruto's house with tears in your eyes. You knocked on the door and Naruto answered.
"[Y/N]? Come in! What's up?
He lead you into the living room and you two sat down on the couch.
"It's Sasuke."
"Sasuke? What that bastard do."
You told him everything that has happened.
"Sasuke's right ya know." Naruto admitted.
"You should really take a rest."
"I can't believe you taking his side!"
"I'm not I'm just telling you what's right."
"You know what forget it."
You got up and walked/crutched out his house and called your mom to pick you up.
     When you got home you angrily made your way up the steps, into your room, and slammed the door.
"Honey do you want to talk about it?" You mother yelled to you.
"No!" You screamed back flopping on you bed letting your crutches fall to the ground.
I can't believe him! Raising his voice at me! Then Naruto taking his side! Your thoughts were interrupted by your phone ringing. You pulled it out and saw the caller ID. It was Sasuke. You didn't want to talk to him so you hung up. Sasuke on the other hand was disappointed that you did. During that night you got many phone calls from Sasuke. You ignored them all, turning your room ringer off.
     At school you would avoid Sasuke at all cost. Everytime he would come to you locker you would walk away. You didn't sit at the usual table for lunch. Instead you would go to the roof.
"She's still mad at you?" Kiba asked.
"Have you tired talking to her." Naruto also asked.
"Yeah, but she just ignores me."
"I could talk to her if you want." Hinata spoke up.
"Really. You'd do that?"
"Of course."
"Thanks Hinata."
Mean while there was a certain girl listening to the whole conversation.
"So Sasuke and [Y/N] are fighting. This could be my chance."
At the end of the day Hinata came up to you at your locker.
"[Y/N] can we talk?" She asked.
"Please tell me it's not about Sasuke."
"I'm sorry, but we have to."
"Fine what is it."
"I think you should really consider Sasuke's feelings in this."
"Why should I when he didn't consider my feelings."
"Yes he did."
"What do you mean?"
"When he went to all of your practice, your games, your competitions. He didn't complain. He held in what he was feeling inside for you."
"I guess your right."
"Now I think you should talk to him."
"Yeah I should. Thanks Hinata."
"Your welcome."
She then walked away leaving you to think to yourself. You closed your locker and texted Sasuke telling him to meet you on the roof. It was always quiet there so it was a good place to talk. He replied saying he'll be there in like two minutes. You figured you would start walking there. The doctor said you should start walking on your ankle so why not start now. It wasn't as painful as yesterday. You slowly made your way up stairs when you heared some people talking. You couldn't hear what the people where saying all the way, but you did hear one word. Sasuke. You peeped you're head around the corner and immediately got angry. Sasuke was kissing Ino! Fucking Ino! Out of all people!
I cant believe this!

Yeah more drama. Hey guys hoped you liked this. Sorry for cliff hangers but I love them. Anyway thats all bye bye p.s. sorry for not updating again so hears a double update

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