Chapter 2

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Little side note, I am only gonna start using "Y/N pov" once other main characters start to come into the story so yea :)))


          "Congratulations girl! You are gonna love it here, so much fun!" Jason said practically jumping. I loved him so much already he was so funny. "Thanks Jason." He starts to walk out from behind the counter over to me.

          "Give me your phone so we can exchange numbers, there are actually a lot of rules you gotta follow here it's kinda stupid but oh well." He says taking my phone. He puts his number in and I do the the same with mine with his phone. We give each others phones back and sit in bar stools next to each other. 

          "Ok so I bet you can kind of tell we are not busy at all during the actual day it's just kinda petty cash these days hahahahaha," he said smugly as if he wanted someone to hear him "So what's today? Tuesday? Ok I work tomorrow at noon to 7 so how about you come in tomorrow at 1 and I can show you how everything works and what we do here."

          "Ok sounds great!" I told him.

           "Alright I'm gonna be here for the rest of the day sadly so I can't go out and help you find some uniforms but it's pretty easy for us." He says standing up. He gestures to his outfit.

           "Ok so our dress code is we have to wear button up shirts any color you want except like bright bright pink and yellow, like I don't know ugly colors you could say. Get some shirts that kinda match the vibe of the club," it was nice he was making this pretty easy for me. "Also our pants, we have to wear black jeans, doesn't matter if it has rips or holes or if their skinny doesn't matter just black. Now with shoes your allowed to wear any kind of closed toed shoes you want." Well that's pretty easy I thought to myself.

          "Ok yea I can totally do that." I reassure him "Cool cool." He says.
"Ok so I'm off to go get some outfits!" I tell him excitedly, I actually was considering I love shopping no matter what it's for. "Ok girl see you here tomorrow in uniform at 1."

          "See you then!" I say collecting my things and walking out if the club.

           I honestly had a good feeling about this, the club was somewhat close to my apartment. About 10-15 mins away so I could walk and it had a vibe that made ME even want to go there at night and have a good time.

           After all my shopping I did it was about 6 so I called for a cab to take my home. On the car ride to my apartment Jason texted me

Jason: "Hey girl just wanted to let you know Caleb said that boss wasn't gonna take in any more shit bartenders, but lucky you I have your back and I convinced Caleb to tell boss that you could handle it"

Jason: "just a heads up tho make sure you don't fuck up or that'll be it :/// no pressure!"

'Oh well fuck me' I thought it myself

          The taxi driver stopped in front of my building and I paid him getting out of the cab. I walk up my building stairs and immediately go to my bed I lay there for a while just thinking

'Whose "boss"'

'What would be considered fucking up'

'What am I gonna do if I get fired'

           Eventually those thoughts faded and I passed out.

           I woke up at the sound of my alarm going off at 8 am "Fuuuuuuuuck wow ok." I said realizing I slept for 12 hours. I was checking my phone and then I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and heard a low growl. "Ok alright I hear you." I said to myself getting up. I look in the mirror and see I was still wearing the outfit from the day before which apparently was no big deal to me cause I slept through the night perfectly. Now seemed like a good time to change into pajamas. I saunter into my kitchen throwing my hair in a messy bun and pour myself a bowl a cereal. I plop myself down on the couch and turn on the tv, it automatically turned on the news.

Reporter: Gotham City once again left on edge when early this morning a jewelry store on 167th mass street was robbed and ransacked today by who we can only suspect to be the Clown Prince of Crime himself. From the wreckage and stolen items it seems to be $6,000 worth of damage and half a million worth in stolen goods. Gotham City police still on lookout at scene of crime and in search of the clown prince and his gang to finally put this to rest. We have a statement from Commissioner Gordon later on tha-"

          "What a fucking creep" I say changing the channel to Netflix. Who the fuck would actually run around the city dressed as a clown.

           I didn't think much more about it watching tv for a while and eating my cereal but it was just so weird seeing a weird clown on the tv and having to take it actually seriously. I looked at the clock it was almost 11 and that seemed like a good chance to start getting ready. I turned on my speaker in my bathroom and started to undress. The music I listen to isn't loud enough for my neighbors to get pissed but loud enough for me to block everything else out. I climb into the shower and it actually feels really good to be clean

(Small time skip)

            I walk up to the front of the club and start to get my ID out when the front door man sees me and automatically opens the door "Miss Y/N nice to see you back" his deep voice greets you. "Nice to see you again too" I smile and walk through the doors. I see Jason standing over the bar wiping off the glass counter. "Hey Jason." I call over to him

           "Hey Y/N, you ready to start???" He asks putting the rag away. "Yea, is my outfit ok?" I ask him. I'm wearing a dark red shirt with my black ripped skinny jeans and my adidas.

            "Yea yea good job that looks good." I was relieved I did something right to start off working. I started to go back behind the bar and he met me half way "oh no I'm gonna show you where to put your stuff and where to enter the club for your shift." We walk to the very back of the club behind the main stage to a door that says "EMPLOYEES ONLY" you had to scan a keycard to get in. "I will get you your keycard one second, they should've already made it." He leaves me in the back with a bunch of lockers on on wall some chairs and couches and tables in the middle of the room and one door that says "DANCERS" and across that a men's and ladies bathrooms. I start walking over to the tables and Jason comes back with a folder and a bag.

           "Ok so I have a few things for you and I have your paper work to fill out." He dumps out everything from the bag onto the table we sat at.

             "So here's your key card and your lanyard, this is how you get into the building and you'll enter through those doors there," he pointed to the back door behind him "and here's your key to your locker you have number 67 and the key can connect to your lanyard. You grab you walkie talkie every time you come in and yours is number 67 and attach it your pants somewhere you can reach it." He hand me all the stuff I needed and I start putting it all together "ok so now you know where everything is here are the ground rules
1. You don't go home with anybody who talks to you at the bar or on the floor even if it's after your shift.
2. You don't share any info about this club or anything about the people who work here with customers no matter what
3. You absolutely do not go upstairs, the only reason you go upstairs is if the boss requests you"

            Wow ok that's pretty vague alright then... "wait wait whose 'the boss?'" I ask kinda quietly as if saying it loudly I'll get shot. "Hahahahahahaha oh honey don't worry about it you'll either end up seeing him just hear about it one day but it's no big deal... you'll just find out eventually." He said almost in tears at the first laugh. Yea ok that's weird as hell... "alright I guess..." I say

            "Ok now all you gotta do is fill out this paperwork but you can do that at home." He says sliding over the papers to me. "Ok cool." I smile. Honestly this job was just giving me the creeps and I was a little nervous again.

            "Alright let's get to work!" Jason exclaims standing up.


Well that was a really really boring part sorry :/// I promise it's gonna get better but I wanted this to be one of those stories that's like your actually reading a book... which I guess is kinda stupid idk I'm not good at this idk ugh I'm sorry :((( so yea ok anyway thank you for reading if you are your beautiful :)))))

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