Chapter 5

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       What the fuck was that?????? I was so fucking nervous I throw the gun down and run back behind the bar. I could hear Joker growl as I ran away. "ALRIGHT SORRY KIDS THIS PARTY IS FUCKING OVER!" Joker screams and I could see everyone running for the door and joker and his men stand their like stone. Once everyone cleared out I could practically hear Jokers breathing. "NOW EVERYONE CLEAN THIS SHIT UP AND GO HOME!" He screams as he starts to walk out the door. "FROST!" I heard him out in the main entrance. I could then see a big man start to speed walk to the door.

          Shit my heart was still racing. Jason was already cleaning to the bar by this time and I was still sitting on the ground holding my knees. "J-Jason..." he sees me and instantly helps me up. "Oh my god girl are you ok????" He looked terrified for me but also completely fine at the same time. "Y-yea yea I'm ok... but like why did that happen? What's going on?" I was still honestly shaking.

       "Girl I don't know, it's ok that stuff doesn't usually happen but when it does you just gotta let it go you weren't hurt and trust me that could've ended a lot worse. Its gonna be ok Y/N." that was kind of reassuring I guess...

            He sighed and just got back to work. "Hey you can go home now and clean up it was your first real night working and it was pretty stressful... just be back here tomorrow same time. Trust me it will get easier." Thank god I could leave I was so exhausted by all that. "Ok... thank you Jason. See you tomorrow." I wave and start to head towards the back of the club. I grabbed my stuff from the back and then headed out the back door. The same guy who had greeted me before was standing at the door and he looked relieved when he saw me. "Miss Y/N, glad to see you're ok." I sighed and looked back at him. "Me too." We both smirked.

           I called for a taxi cause I sure as fuck wasn't walking home alone after all that. The drive home was fast and silent and I was so happy to finally be home. I threw all my stuff down on the couch and got in the shower trying to wash all the shit off of me from tonight. Metaphorically of course. Once I got done I looked at the clock and it was around midnight. I decided to text Aaron.

Y/N: "Your actually never gonna believe what happened to me tonight."

          I waited for about 10 minutes but no reply. He was probably already asleep. I laid in bed for another 5 minutes and I then started to fall asleep.

(Major time skip)

         I still worked at The Void. To my reluctance though, I wanted to quit but I realized the place pays pretty well and it actually was pretty fun work. Despite almost dying. My mother of course told me she wanted weekly updates of what I was doing and I of course was not going to tell her about that one night. It had been about 4 months since that one night. The nights were just normal after all that. Nothing came close to that night. I would still see The Joker come in the club every weekend. I tried not to stare though I didn't want him to notice me anymore. But other then that work turned out pretty well. I loved hanging with Jason and I made a lot of friends with the rest of the bartenders and even some of the dancers. I didn't talk to Aaron that much but I did every once and while. We went out to get coffee and went to go get dinner a few times but we were just really good friends.

          I was laying in the couch watching Netflix on a Thursday night and I see my phone buzz.

Jason: "Hey you owe me a huuuuge thank you!"
Y/N: "Why???"
Jason: "I got you and I the day off tomorrow so we could hang and get fuck uuuuup!"
Y/N: "oh my god lol thanks Jason"
Jason: "We gotta go to the club ok??"
Y/N: "Alright alright we can!"

        Great. Now I had to find something to wear. I got up and checked my closet. I found a short, long sleeved black dress.

'Well damn that's hot'

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