Chapter 23

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I turned on the car and started it up. Before anyone else I drifted out of the garage and next to the giant ass mansion. This guys is obviously compensating for something. I jumped out of the car once we reached the front and handed the keys to the get away driver. I pulled my purple jacket over my holsters and headed towards the door. I saw the man at the front door look over towards us and pull out a walkie talkie. Before he could say anything I grabbed my gun and pulled the trigger. I stood next to him as his body hit the ground. I rolled my shoulders and stretched my whole body before opening the door. I looked behind me to see Frost, penguins men and George standing behind me. I growled and looked back at the door taking one of my guns out from its holster. I whip the cane around and gently tap it on the door.

The door slowly opened to a small man much shorter than me, he doesn't comprehend its me at first because he greets me at the door. "Hello can I help yo-" he drops the tray from his hand and fear grows in his eyes. I smile at him before shooting him in the head making him drop to the floor behind the door. I hear everything in the house go quiets except a few audible gasps and screams. I swing both the doors open and welcome all of us in. "HELLO ESTEEMED RICH CUNTS OF GOTHAM!" My men follow in behind me forcing everyone to get on the ground. I look around in search of Y/N, I need to make sure she gets up the stairs or something. Once everyone is down I see Y/N pick up her dress and rush up the stairs. Beautiful, just beautiful, her and this plan. I faced back to the crowd and let out 2 gunshots. "Now, if everyone could please take off everything of worth and give me your bags and or purses I would be much obliged." Everyone began rummaging through their bags and taking off their jewelry and giving it to the men. Penguin began taking them and putting the rings and watches. I rolled my eyes at him and saw George doing the same.

'I'm surrounded by idiots'

Out of the corner of my eye I see a man trying to fight with one of my henchman. I saunter over to the disgruntled captive and sink down to his level. He tries to throw a punch at him but I hit his arm away with my cane. I grab the hair on the back of his head and bring him close to me. "Now listen, I'm just trying to make this quick and easy for everyone but your making this DIFFICULT for me!" I pulled his head down onto my knee and caused him to cry out in pain. I stand back up and feel a strong pain in the back of my head. I fall to the ground but whip myself around quickly to see who it is. "BATSY! Oh I've missed you! How you been?" He just stood there extremely sullen like he always does, brooding.

"Enough Joker, let these people go or else?" Ha voice was like gargling rocks, I could barely understand a word he said. I laughed like a maniac at that thought before responding. "Or else what huh?" He started walking towards me before I leaped up to face him. "Ah ah ah, I wound the do that if I were you." I pulled out a fake pen looking thing with a button on it and flaunted it at Bats. "You see if you hurt me or do anything I don't like there's someone in this mansion sitting and waiting, of course against their will, but just itching for the moment that big bad bomb their tied to is gonna blow up and kill everyone in this goddamn building!" I could see Bats eyes fill with fear when I said that, it filled my heart with joy. "Of course even if I do make it out of this, there's no fun in that! So I say you've got about... 5 minutes to find it." I smiled at him flashing the room my grillz and I could see the rage just boiling in Batsy. He looked around the room again and finally decided to run up the stairs in attempt to find the "bomb" I let out a loud crazy laugh to echo against all the walls in the mansion as the big bad dark knight ran to my Y/N like a dumbass.


'Shit shit shit shit shit'

I tried tying myself to this damn bomb look alike but it wasn't easy. I look through the pack one of the henchmen gave me and there's zip ties at the bottom. I take some out and tie them around my feet. That part was easy it was the tying it around my hands and the fake bomb was the hard part. I fiddled around with it for a while and finally got it to look good. I took the chloroform rag out of the bag and in the back of my dress. The only problem with this whole plan is I'm not a good actress. I honestly didn't know how I was gonna pull this off, to try and trick the "worlds greatest detective." I looked through the bag the best I can to find something that might make me help but all I could find was weapons basically. I look through all the compartments and find a lemon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2017 ⏰

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