Chapter 10

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     I shot the wall six times then I fell to the ground. Laid there for a bit listening to the voices.

'Fucking kill her'

'Kill everyone'

'You don't take shit from anyone'

'Whose there!'

     And with that I heard the door open as I shot my gun hand up to meet whoever it was. It was Frost, unscathed. He was pretty used to me. "What do you want?" I wanted to shoot him but I knew I couldn't. "Cars ready sir if your ready to leave." I tried and composed myself. I slicked back my hair and breathed in heavily. "Thank you Frost." I stood up and walked past him. I needed to compose myself... I needed to be better... for Y/N, unconventional for me but I couldn't fuck this up again...


     I sat in the booth talking with Selina and Floyd. They were actually very likable and kind. Floyd told me all about his daughter and how he finally received full custody of her. He was able to afford the best schooling for her and everything. It was nice to hear about a humane and kind thing coming from a masked assassin. Selina was pretty chill too, she was really funny and her humor was extremely dry which I enjoyed. We were all talking and drinking when I see Mr. J walk up. I gulped hoping he was in a good mood, and when he saw me he took a big breath in and sat down next to me taking my hand in his. "W-What was that all about?" I was a little nervous to ask but he kissed my hand and made me feel better. "Business darling." He looked weak, and a bit broken. I felt bad for him... I only smiled at him and giggled. He took a shot sitting on the table and then leaned back into the seat. I looked at my phone and it was around 11 now. Mr. J noticed so I shoved my phone back in my pocket and shut it off. He patted my side and whispered in my ear. "You-you can go back to work if you'd like..." it seemed like he struggled to get that out like he wanted to scream it. I looked at him then where Jason was and then back at him.



    I mean I did have more than enough money for next 2 rents...

'Fuck it'

       I looked at Mr. J and shook my head. He grew an insane looking smile showing me his grillz. I liked this side of Mr. J, he was kind and thoughtful.

       The whole night was filled with drinking, cocaine and smoking. I enjoyed all of it. Mr. J invited some more people into the booth we even had a whole game of poker going. What sucked was I was terrible at poker. Mr. J was pretty good though, he helped me a lot. It felt good to be with him. He made me feel like I was wanted and he made me feel like I was his. It was getting pretty close to midnight and I was pretty messed up at this point. But being around crazy people made me feel less insane and more in control while I was really intoxicated. "Kitten why don't you go and dance for daddy hmm?" He squeezed my thigh and kissed my neck. I giggled in response "Whatever you say daddy." I hopped up and walked over to the pole on the platform across from the booth.

    The upstairs area became quite busy by this time. I guess after a while the security just becomes lazy. It was as packed as the dance floor downstairs now. I didn't care though, I began listening to the music and moving my hips to the rhythm and grabbing the pole. I flung myself around and started grinding against the pole. I kept my eyes on Mr. J the whole time as I could see him breathing heavy and practically purring the whole time. I saw that a lot of people were starting to gather around my platform but I didn't pay any attention. I kept my eyes on J. But I could see he started to get angry and I didn't know why... I kept going and dancing but his purrs turned into low growls and he started to grip his cane. I finally stopped when the song turned down. I got off the platform and ran over to Mr. J and sat on his lap. I giggled as he grabbed my wrist and growled. "Come with me." He said in a low voice. My face suddenly grew small and I started to get nervous. He got up and practically dragged me behind him to his office. He threw me in the room and I fell over as a result of his force. He slammed the door behind him as he stood over me. "What the fuck was that?!" I felt small underneath him he scared me. "I-I..." "I-I, I" he said back to me in a mocking tone. He was drunk I could tell... "You think it's ok to show off to everyone what's mine?!" He screamed and pointed a finger to himself. "N-no I was j-just..." "SHUT UP!" I felt a sharp sting on my cheek and my head hit the floor. I could feel tears forming in my eyes and I sat up quickly holding my face. I looked at him and I could only see darkness in his eyes. I started quietly sobbing and my vision became pretty blurry. I could see him pacing around the room. "You never fucking do that again! You are mine and no one else's! Understand?" As he said it he crouched to my level and screamed it in my face. I couldn't respond I was too scared. I could only let out a small whimper in response. I could hear him take a gun out of his holster and cock it. "What was that??" He held the gun up to me head. Which only made me sob louder. "What the fuck was that?!?" "Y-Yes yes, I understand I'm so sorry!" I finally got out between my sobs. I was not holding my whole face with both my hands trying to hide from Mr. J. "Your sorry what?!?" He pushed the gun harder into my head, and then I heard the door open. "J WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?" He turned around and I removed one hand from my face. It was Pam... "the fuck do you want Pamela?!" He screamed at her. She pulled her own gun out at him and cocked it. "Fucking step away from her right now." He pulled the gun away from me and pointed it at her now and stood up. "Or what you gonna fucking kill me?" He stumbled over a bit when he stood up. "Y/N leave the room now." Ivy kept her eyes glued on Joker the whole time. I looked at her and then at Mr. J. "Y/N leave now!" She yelled louder. I quickly got up and ran out of the door not looking behind me.


      Who the fuck does this cunt think she is?!? Does she really think she can threaten me and get away with it?!?! I was gonna kill her tonight, it was going to be tonight. Fuck being good to Y/N she was going to do what I said when I said it. And Pam wasn't gonna stop me, fuck her. No one looks at my fucking things and gets away with it. "J stop this now. What are you doing?" "SHUT UP!" I shoved the gun further at her ohhh this bitch was gonna die tonight. "J calm down ok... your drunk." She was right I was drunk but I didn't care. I kept my gun pointed at her. "J I know you can do this, it's gonna be hard I know. But your dealing with an actual person now, with feelings. You gotta think about shit." "SHUT UP! SHUT UP!!!" She was in my head I couldn't get her out of my head!


I stood back looking at Harley kill everyone in the dining room... she was laughing maniacally and shooting her gun like crazy. I watched everyone hit the floor as she stood over them laughing. She looked back at me with that crazed look in her eyes I've seen before. She was panting as she got off the table and walked over to me. "Are you proud of me puddin?" "Har-Harley why did you kill them?" She started to giggle and throw her head back. "Because they annoyed me." She shrugged and then kissed me cheek. She turned around and skipped out of the dinning room. She was nuts... I ruined her... I did this to her... I mean I would do the same but just... it was different seeing it from someone else. I knew I had to do something. I went to my office and started drinking the whiskey straight out of the bottle. I got pretty drunk pretty quickly... I started sweating and the voices came back... my hair started falling in my face and all I could do was sit there and listen to the voices.

I heard my office doors open but I didn't look up. "I'm going out for a drive I'm taking your car." I heard her say from the door and take the keys off my rack. "Where do you think your go-" "NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS!" She screamed at me and ran out the door... she was out of control but I couldn't kill her, and I was afraid that if I tried to punish her she would kill me...

'It's time'

I picked up my phone and dialed Poison Ivy.

Pam: "Hello?"
Joker: *breathing heavy*
Pam: "Hello? J?"
Joker: "I need you... to do something for me..."

(Flashback over)


      He was so distraught about her I could tell. He started shaking his gun. "J... J what happened to Harley wasn't. Your. Fault. Ok?" He kept getting angrier and angrier and angrier. "AAAAAGGGGHHHHH!"


     Joker dropped the gun and exited the room. He shot the ceiling a few times out of anger... it was good he was getting it out that way instead of INTO someone... I looked out the window and saw him drive away in his purple lambo. I let out a loud sigh. And left his office. I went to the booth to try and find Y/N, she was sitting in the booth sobbing with Selina trying to comfort her. "It's ok it's ok none of this is your fault... he's the Joker he just gets like this." She was rubbing her back and Y/N was smoking her cigarette. "Your right he is just the Joker..." I walk up to them and sit next to Y/N. "Come on Y/N we'll get you home ok?" She kept looking at the floor but nodded in agreement.


     Why would he hurt me... why did he do that to me... what did I even do wrong... that's the second time someone's pulled a gun on me in this club... and the second time I thought he was my friend. Maybe even more than a friend. Pam and Selina drove me home but stayed silent the whole time. They walked me up to my apartment too just to make sure I was ok... I'm glad they were being so nice to me even though they just met me. They helped me into bed and everything. I couldn't tell but apparently I was shaking the whole time and unable to move. They were about to walk out the door "why are you guys being so nice to me...?" They looked at each other then looked at me. "Cause we've been here before." Selina said and they walked out the door.


Well we saw Jokers tru colors ! I honestly like when the Joker is portrayed as this crazy unpredictable psychopath cause THATS WHAT HE IS! Don't get me wrong every story he can be portrayed differently but I like when he really is this crazy psycho who gets angry and is willing to kill someone over the smallest things

Aaaaanywaaaaay this was a really fun chapter to write!❤️❤️❤️

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