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Sometime after chapter 11. Anna (Pre-marriage)

I sighed and leaned back into my chair, resting my back on the velvet cushions. I closed my eyes as warm sunlight beamed on my face as it poured through the large glass window. The crackling of the fire in the fireplace under the window gave life and warmth the quiet library.

I often found myself coming here whenever I'm stressed. Sometimes I read, sometimes I just peruse the many shelves of books, sometimes I just like to sit in the red armchairs in front of the stone fireplace and let the sunlight from the window bathe me. Like now.

"You like it here, don't you, Anna?" Sumia asked, placing her book on Pegasus care down on the wooden end table.

I opened my eyes and sat up. "I do..." I replied. "Sorry if I'm disturbing you and Cordelia, I can move to a different spot if you'd like?"

Cordelia dismissed me with a wave of her hand. "Not at all, Milady," she smiled. "We'd enjoy your company, in fact!"

Sumia nodded. "Yeah! We weren't really doing anything, anyway," she said.

I out a tired breath. "Thank you," I murmured. "I just need to get away from everything... The library is the one place I feel safe..."

Sumia and Cordelia exchanged a worried glance. "...You STILL have an assassination threat on you?" Cordelia asked. "Chrom still keeping you confined in the castle?"

I nodded. "Unfortunately, yes..." I sighed. "Don't get me wrong: I love Chrom more than anything, but I think he's a bit dramatic when it comes to keeping me safe. I mean, I'm not allowed to travel around the castle by myself," I gestured to the armored guard a few feet away from me, "or go outside! I can't even walk in the courtyards!"

"It must be terrible..." Sumia breathed. "I can't believe someone wants to kill you! Who would want to do that?! What have you ever done to them?!"

I crossed my arms and leaned back. "I don't know," I said. "It's scary... I have to sleep with one eye open!"

Cordelia shook her head and wrung her hands. "I don't even want to imagine it!" she fumed. "Assassins! After you! Grrr! When we find whoever plotted this: I'm going to make them pay!!!"

I laughed. "Thanks, Cordelia! But I'm sure you'll have to wait your turn! Chrom will probably make whoever did this wish they were never born!" I exclaimed. "He's practically up in flames over this!"

Sumia giggled and brushed back a strand of her chestnut brown hair. "Hehe! I'm sure he will! He surely loves you!"

I smiled and fidgeted with my hands. "Yeah...he sure does..."

We stayed silent for a moment.

I snapped out of my trance and looked to Sumia. "So, Sums; how has Frederick been? Married life suit you?" I asked.

Sumia blushed and looked down. "He may be all rough and tough on the outside, but he's just a big ole' softie on the inside!" Cordelia and I awed. "He's great. I love him more than anything!"

"I'm so happy for you two!" Cordelia exclaimed. "I can't wait for Stahl and I's wedding..."

I smiled at her. "When do you think the wedding will be?"

She brought her hand to her chin and thought. "Hmm... Well, I'd like to get married sometime in the summer, so maybe July?" she replied.

I nodded. "That sounds like a good idea! I'm sure your wedding will be amazing!"

"Yeah! And hopefully, you won't trip down the aisle like I did!" Sumia jested.

We all laughed.

Cordelia wiped away a tear and settled back down. "Ahh...hopefully!" she laughed again. "But I'm sure it'll be nothing compared to you and Chrom's wedding, Anna! It's a royal wedding! Hundreds of thousands of people are coming just to see you two wed! Isn't that amazing?!"

I smiled and stared at my engagement ring. "...Well, yeah! But I don't really care about the wedding... I don't care what my dress looks like or who's there... All I care about it the marriage. As long as Chrom and I are married, I don't care what the wedding is like."

Sumia and Cordelia stared at me for a moment. "...That was the most romantic thing I've ever heard." Sumia blurted.

Cordelia smacked her shoulder. "Hush, although it was beautiful," she said. "But you're right: the wedding doesn't matter, just the marriage."

"Indeed..." I sighed.

"Say, Anna? When are you and Chrom getting married again?" Sumia asked me.

I looked to the brown-haired Pegasus Knight and smiled. "Chrom said that he would like to get married in May, so in two months, I guess," I replied, my heart beating with excitement.

"Ooooh!!! I can't wait!!!" Cordelia squealed. "Ah!! How's planning going?"

I rolled my eyes and rested my head on my knees. "Well, we have wedding planners, but I want to plan some of it myself," I said. "I guess a plus to being locked inside is that I have more time to prepare it."

Sumia nodded. "What do you have so far?"

"Well, I already have my bridesmaids picked out," I winked at them. "And I want Lissa to be my maid of honor. She is going to be my sister, after all. I think Chrom plans of asking Frederick to be his best man, I can't wait to see how that goes down!" I giggled. "Ricken is going to be our ring bearer, Nowi will be the flower girl, Libra is going to precede the wedding, and Basilio volunteered to walk me down the aisle."

"Wow! You have a lot already planned!" Sumia exclaimed.

"I'm not done," I interrupted. "I want the primary colors to be blue, and I want my bridesmaids wearing light blue. I want my bouquet to be blue orchids and roses, and I want roses to be in my hair. I want the cake to be plain vanilla, but Chrom wants parts of it to be chocolate, so we compromised, and we're going to have a marble cake. The reception is going to be held outside, and I want fairy lights literally everywhere."

"Anna! Calm down!" Sumia laughed.

I snapped out of my trance and looked to them. "...Oh... Did I ramble again?" I giggled nervously.

Cordelia shook her head and chuckled. "Yes, but it's ok!" she said. "I understand how excited you are!"

"Yeah! It's normal, Anna! Don't worry!" Sumia laughed.

I smiled at them. "Thanks..."

I looked back out of the large window overhead. ...He may be overprotective of me... But it's just because he loves me... Soon, we'll be able to have everything we've dreamed of!

Chrom, I love you.


So it's sort of a break from angst? I don't know XD. Also! My new series, Before Awakening, has just been published! It would really mean a lot to me if you would check it out! Thank you for reading, and look forward to reading more!

Next Prompt: August 7th, First Date

Currently listening to: LA Devotee: Panic! At The Disco

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