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Sometime after chapter 11. Anna

"Chrom, darling-"

"I got this, Anna!"


"Don't doubt me!"

"Chrom, have you ever fished before?!"

Chrom glared at me and cast his pole once more. "No! But I can learn easily!"

I sighed and leaned against him. "Whatever you say, love..."

Chrom and I were currently on our honeymoon. We decided that we didn't want anything fancy or extravagant. If anything, we wanted the exact opposite! We rented a small cabin by a lake just a few miles away from Ylisstol. We just wanted to spend some time alone with one another, to live the lives of normal people and not royalty for only a week. beloved husband was taking this "normal living" thing a bit too seriously... And by that, I mean he's trying to catch our dinner by fishing.

I poked his cheek. "Chrooom... You've been at this for hours... Why don't I just run to the market and pick up a few things for dinner?" I asked.

Chrom frowned and gripped the pole tighter. "No! I'm going to catch us some fish! I promise!" he exclaimed.

I giggled and nudged my way under his arm. "Whatever..." I smiled at him. Even though he was so focused right now, I can tell he's been more relaxed than he's ever been in his life. I've felt the same way. Even the way we were dressed was more relaxed. Instead of his fancy noble clothes, Chrom just wore a simple white shirt with brown pants. No matter how hard I tried, he still ripped the right sleeve of the shirt. At least I tried... And me, I wore a plain cream colored dress with a light blue bow tied around my waist. It felt...normal to wear clothes like these. They aren't as fancy as our normal clothes, and they're way more comfortable.

I looked at the lake in front of me. The setting sun reflected in the water and made its orange glow engulf the land. The tall pine trees swayed in the gentle breeze, and a few bird darted from branch to branch. I inhaled a breath of fresh air, letting a serene feeling settle throughout me. I could live in a place like this my whole life... Too bad Chrom and I have to return to Ylisstol in a week... I want to stay here forever... I love the hustle and bustle of the city, I really do! But there's something about this place that feels like home...

"Hey, Anna? Why don't you think the fish are biting?" I heard Chrom ask.

I snapped out of my daze and turned to him. "O-oh, maybe there's something wrong with your hook?" I said. "Bring it in, I'll take a look at it."

Chrom tugged at the pole and handed it to me. I examined the hook. "Let's see... Well, the hook looks fine, so I don't-oh." I sighed. Oh, my sweet, ignorant husband... "Honey, did you remember to put bait on the hook?"

Chrom's eyes went wide. ", no...?"

I groaned and reached for the bait bucket. "How did you ever survive without me?"

He chuckled and kissed my head. "Well, I'm not sure," he murmured. "But, I cannot live without you..."

I blushed. "Awwww..." I baited the hook. "H-here! You're good to go!"

Chrom kissed my head again and took the pole. "Thanks, love. You're the best." He cast it again, making the water ripple as the bobber hit the surface. We waited for about ten minutes, then Chrom began to get impatient. "How long is this supposed to take?"

I sighed. "A little while, Chrom," I replied. "Fishing takes time."

Chrom looked up at the sky. "But it's sunset! At this rate, we won't have enough fish for dinner!" he groaned.

I sat up and poked his cheek. "Then let me run to the market and pick up something to make for dinner!" I giggled.

"No! Let me catch at least one fish! If I don't catch one within another five minutes: you can go to the market!" Chrom gave me his classic puppy eyes.

Damn those eyes... "Fine!" I said. "Five minutes, Chrom! I'm getting hungry!"

"I got this, don't worry!"

I rolled my eyes. "Sure, whatever..." Just then, the bobber began to move. "Huh? Chrom, look!"

"Hey! I think I have something!" Chrom exclaimed.

He began to tug on the pole, but I stopped him. "Wait until the bobber is fully underwater!" I told him.

Chrom nodded and waited. Once the bobber was completely submerged underwater, he tugged the pole. Moments later, a large grey fish was flopping on the dock. "I did it, Anna!"

I laughed and picked up the fish. "You sure did!" I put the fish in a bucket full of water. "If you catch more like this guy, we'll have dinner in no time!"

"You bet!"

I went to sit back down but stopped when I spotted a something floating on the lake. "Chrom!!! Look!!!"

"Huh?" Chrom looked up to where I was pointing. "Um, it's just a swan..."

"Exactly! It's a swan!!! Swans are cool!" I exclaimed. "I'm going to look for some bread so I can feed it!"

"Anna, wait-" I didn't hear the rest what he said, I was already running to the house.

I searched the kitchen until I found a small loaf of bread. "Perfect!" I went back outside.

What I came back to, however; wasn't what I was expecting...

And by that, I mean my husband was being attacked by a swan.

"Chrom!" I ran towards him and tried to shoo the swan away. "Bad swan! Go away! Shoo!"

"Don't! That'll only make it worse!"

The swan hissed at me and tried started charging at me. "Ah!" I threw the bread into the water, and the swan went after it. "Huh...I guess that's over..."

Chrom groaned and collapsed on the dock. "Swans are jerks..."

I sat down next to him and rubbed his back. "Yes, they are," I sighed. "Are you ok?"

Chrom nodded and wrapped his arms around me. "Yes, I'm fine...just a bit scratched up..." He tilted my chin up and made me look at him. "What about you?"

"I'm alright..."

"Good..." He kissed me quickly. "...Why don't we just go to the market...the swan knocked the bucket over during its attack, and I'm not really in the mood to fish, anymore..."

I smiled and helped him to his feet. "Let's get you patched up first, then we'll go, alright?"


I helped him back to the cabin. I had to hide my grin the whole time. He's such a stubborn dork, sometimes... Oh well, he's my stubborn dork, and I love him more than anything... Who knows what adventures we'll go on from now on? All I know is that I want to go through each and every one of them, hand-in-hand with Chrom...


IT'S TRUE, THOUGH!!! SWANS ARE JERKS!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, that's it for the August Prompts! I had a ton of fun writing them, and I can't wait to do 'em again! For more information on that, go to the next chapter and I'll explain everything! Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

Question: What was your favorite Prompt?

Currently listening to: Attention: Charlie Puth

Fire Emblem Awakening: August PromptsWhere stories live. Discover now