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Sometime before chapter 6. Anna

Gods... None of this makes sense! Does the royal family REALLY have to learn this junk in school! I groaned and buried my face into my arms, pushing the book on proper conversations away from me. I gotta give mad props to Chrom for sitting through a class of this!

"Anna? Are you alright?"

"AH!" I shot up and saw that Emmeryn was leaning over my shoulder. "L-lady Emmeryn! What are you doing here?!" I blushed in embarrassment and straightened my clothes. Greaaaat... Way to make make a fool of yourself, Anna...

Emmeryn laughed and sat down. "I wanted to see you!" she smiled. "Chrom told me that you would be in here, so here I am!"

I nodded and rearranged a few things on the table. "O-oh... I see..." What did she want to see me for? There's nothing special about me! ...Well, besides the fact that I'm Chrom's fiancée! "Um, what did you need, Milady?"

Emmeryn shook her head and held up a hand. "There's no need for you to call me that, Anna! We're going to be sisters someday, so titles don't matter!"

"S-sorry... Force of habit..."

"Anna, is something on your mind?" Emmeryn asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.

I flinched at the sudden warmth of her hand. YOU'RE NOT DOING ANY BETTER, ANNA!!! CALM DOWN!!! "No! Not at all! I'm completely fine..."

That didn't seem to convince her one bit. "Anna, I practically raised two children; I know when someone is hiding their feelings," she rolled her eyes. "Tell me what's wrong! You can trust me."

I fidgeted with my hands and looked down. I can't think of any excuses... Guess I'll have to be honest... "I...I'm terrified of becoming a princess..." I finally said.

"Ah, I see..." Emmeryn murmured. "Does Chrom know about this?"

I nodded. "Y-yeah...mostly... I never talk to him about it because I don't want to stress him out or make him nervous..." He already has too much on his mind right now! ...I don't want him to freak out if I tell him this...

"What about being a princess scares you?" I heard Emmeryn ask.

I snapped out of my daze and turned to her. "Well...everything!" I exclaimed. "I'm terrible at being fancy, I'm awful with words, I'm unrefined, I'm terrified of people and social gatherings, I have no background, and I'm a clumsy mess! Do any of those traits scream 'princess' to you?!"

Emmeryn stared at me for a few moments. Then, she started laughing. "Hahaha! Oh, Anna! You're starting to sound like Lissa!" She laughed some more.

"H-hey! This is serious!" I pouted.

Emmeryn stopped laughing and held my hands. "Anna, don't worry about anything!" she reassured me. "Take Lissa as an example: her behavior isn't what you'd expect from a princess, but she's perfect all the same! A princess isn't all dresses and poise! She's strong and independent. Just like you."

"I...I haven't thought of that..."

"Let me tell you: when I was a young girl, I was just like Lissa!" Emmeryn giggled. "I hated being proper and fancy, but I put up with it for the sake of the kingdom. I knew that I would be Exalt someday, so I had to learn to act like one. ...My time to take rule came faster than I thought, and everything was thrust upon me all at once! I had to take care of the entire Halidom, and Chrom and Lissa! Eventually, I learned to have patience with everyone, and poise just came naturally. It will take time, Anna! You won't become a proper lady overnight! Trust me, it will get easier!"

I thought for a moment. "...You're right..." I whispered. "I know I'm too rough on myself... But I just want to become an ideal princess! I don't want people to criticize Chrom for choosing an unrefined woman as his bride!"

"So that's what this is about!" Emmeryn exclaimed. "Anna, I can already tell you that Chrom won't care about the words of nobles and people! In fact, he'll make sure none of that happens! You've seen how fierce he can get! Once he's angry, he's angry!"

"I know that, but-"

"I will make sure none of that happens! And if it makes you feel any better: I think that you're already an amazing princess."

I blushed. "T-thank you, Mila- Emmeryn!" I corrected myself. "That really means a lot..."

She smiled at me. "Anytime, dear sister."

Sister... "Y-you called me..."

"Sister," she repeated. "Of course, I did! It's what you are! Well, will be!"

I smiled nervously. "Y-yeah..." She made me feel a lot better about this whole princess thing! I guess I don't really have to worry about it, after all! "Um, thank you for giving me the comfort I needed, it really helped!"

"I'm glad," Emmeryn grinned. "Well, are you going to stay in here, or do you want to leave and take your mind off things?"

I was way ahead of her! "I'm actually gonna see if Chrom wants to spar for a bit," I got up from my chair. "I want to show him what this princess can do!"

"Haha! That's the spirit!"


WELP! THAT'S ENOUGH FLUFF FOR NOW, PREPARE YOURSELF FOR ANGST! My dog is demanding my attention so I should go XD. Thank you so much for reading, and look forward to reading more!

Next Prompt: August 13th, Water

Currently listening to: Meltdown: iroha

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