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Sometime during the Valm War. Lucina

Damnit, Lucina, damn it!

I pushed my way through camp, ignoring the people who tried to talk to me. I need to find a really large rock or something and live under it for the rest of my life! Yes, that's what I need to do! I found my tent and went inside.

I sighed in relief and sat down on my bed. "Finally... Some peace and quiet..."

"Why are you acting like Yarne, Lucina?"

"AHHHHHHH!!!" I screamed and fell on the ground. I looked up to see Morgan sitting in a chair across me. "MORGAN, WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?!??!"

"I want to know what's going on with my big sister!" he said. "You've been acting awfully strange the past few days, and I want to know why. What's wrong, sis?"

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. There is  nothing wrong with me. There is no one besides my family whom I keep close to my heart. Especially no blonde-haired mercenaries! That would be dumb! Haha... "Nothing!" I replied, getting back up and dusting myself off.

Morgan gave me a look. "I don't believe you. What's up?"


Morgan flinched back. "L-Lucina..."

I ran a hand through my hair and groaned. "I...I need some air. We can talk later if you want, bud; but not right now..."

Morgan got up and walked towards the exit. "If you say so..." He opened the flap and left the tent. I followed shortly after.

How could I have fallen for him?! He's a philandering fool! What's so special about HIM?! Gods, Inigo, I'm going to kill you for making me feel this way! I shook my head and continued on my way. I don't have time for a relationship! I need these feelings to go away! But how? How do I stop loving someone? This will be harder than I-

I crashed headfirst into someone and fell over.

"Lucina! Are you alright?!" I heard someone ask.

"Ugh, yeah..." I grabbed their arm and looked up. Great. It was Inigo.

Inigo helped me to my feet and steadied me. "I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there!"

I looked down to hide my blush. "I-it's alright... I-I wasn't looking where I was going. It's my fault!" I said. Please tell me this is a dream. This can't be real.

"Lucina, are you sure you're alright?" Inigo asked. "Your face looks really flushed! Are you sick?" He touched my forehead to check my temperature.

I jumped back and slammed into a tree. Oh, REAL smooth, Lucina! "I'M FINE!" I choked. "R-really! I am!"

Inigo cocked his head to the side. "If you're sure, Princess..." He smiled at me. "Well, if you need anything, don't be afraid to come find me! I'll see you later, Lucina!" He waved and turned back to camp.

I waved back. "Yeah, see you later..." I watched as he left. Gods...when I think about could I NOT love him? He always makes me smile, even in tough times, he's always willing to listen to me, no matter what my problem is, and he's so chivalrous! The way we fought together in that last, I thought I was invincible!

I sighed and buried my face in my hands. "Gods...I have it bad..."


I wanted to write an angsty Lucina, ok?! So my computer decided to break, wonderful. I don't think that's going to have that big of an effect on Prompts, but I'll probably have to write the next few chapters on my phone. I'm doing my best to sort everything out, so don't worry. Thank you so much for reading, and look forward to reading more!

Next Prompt: August 19th, Swimming

Currently listening to: Believer: Imagine Dragons

Fire Emblem Awakening: August PromptsWhere stories live. Discover now