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Sometime before chapter 6. Chrom

I was halfway between being awake and asleep when I felt Anna peck my forehead and get out of bed. She probably just needs to go to the bathroom or something... I thought as I rolled onto my side. She'll be back soon...

Five minutes passed, and she didn't come back to bed. I tried not to think about it, but it still bothered me... Next thing I knew, ten minutes have passed. Now I was worried. Did she return to her own tent? Was she attacked? Is she ok?! Please tell me she's ok!

I sat up and decided to investigate. To my surprise, I saw Anna crouched over in the far corner of the tent with a dimly lit candle. It sounded like she was writing something... "Anna? What are you doing? Come back to bed."

Anna squeaked in surprise and fell backward. "Ah! Chrom! I thought you were asleep!"

I got out of bed and sat down next to her, helping her up. "I could have said the same to you," I sighed, wrapping an arm around her. "You need sleep, my love. We had a busy day today, and we have an even busier one tomorrow. Is something wrong?" Despite how tired I was, I'd stay awake for the rest of the night to help Anna through something.

Anna let out a breath and nuzzled my chest. "No, I'm fine...just...catching up on something..." she murmured.

"Catching up on something? What do you mean by that?"

Anna opened her mouth to say something to say something, but she soon closed it and shook her head. "N-nothing! It's nothing!"

I frowned at her. "Anna, are you hiding something from me?" She can't be! She's always honest with me! What is she hiding?!

"N-no! Not at all!" She blushed, putting something behind her back.

"Anna, you are. What's behind your back?" I asked.


I sighed. "Alright, I guess we're gonna have to do this the hard way!"

"Wha-AH! STOP IT!!!" Anna shrieked as I began to tickle her. "CHROM! STOP! YOU KNOW I'M TICKLISH! STOP IT!!!"

I smirked. "I'll stop when you tell me what you're hiding!" I continued to tickle her.

Anna giggled uncontrollably and grabbed my wrists. "Ok! Ok! I'll tell you! Just stop tickling me!" I did what she told me and stopped my attack, wrapping my arms around her instead.

Anna took a deep breath and procured a small leather journal bound by a string. "I've...been writing a journal..." she said.

I gave her a confused look. "Really? That's it?" I asked. "Well, why were you being so secretive about it?"

"Well... I don't want anybody finding out about it! I don't want someone looking for it and reading about my deepest darkest secrets!" she replied.

"Oh, I see." I kissed the side of her head. "Why are you writing in it so late at night?"

Anna stared off. "Well...I haven't been able to write during the day because of how busy we are, and any and all free time I have is spent with you, so it's been hard to find time to write in it..."

"...This journal is really important to you, isn't it?"

Anna nodded and buried her head in my chest to hide her tears. "...Yes..." she sniffled. "I'm paranoid that I'm going to lose my memories again someday, and I want to have something with me to remind me of all the memories I've made..."

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