What's Next?

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Hello! Thank you all so much for reading this month's installment of prompts! They were extremely fun to write, and I'm glad that you enjoyed them! Writing prompts is a really great experience for any writer, and that's why enjoy writing them so much!

Once again, thank you so much for reading! It means the world to me that I have people reading my works! Ever since these prompts took over Side Stories writing one-shots have become so much easier. I'm so glad that I decided to use these to carry on its legacy!

Now! The moment everyone has been waiting for! You don't have to worry about waiting long for a new prompt installment because you only have to wait a month! In case you haven't already guessed from the picture, the next prompt month is October! ALSO KNOWN AS SPOOKY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There will be a total of 11 prompts:

1st. Shiver
4th. Horse
7th. Tears
10th. Violin
13th. Sweaters
16th. Harvest Festival
19th. Hunter's Moon
22nd. Warm Cider
25th. Leaves
28th. Ghosts
31st. Costumes

SPOOKY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*ahem* Anyway...😅

If you want to see more works from me, go ahead and check out Before Awakening or My Story! And High School Years which will be released sometime next month!

Thank you so so so so so so so much for reading, and I hope you look forward to October BECAUSE I SURE AM! SPOOKY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

❤️ Anna


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Fire Emblem Awakening: August PromptsWhere stories live. Discover now