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Sometime before chapter 6. Anna (Pre-relationship)

"No. Absolutely not."

"But, Chrom!!!! I'm perfectly capable of flying!"

"I don't care! I'm not going to allow you to go up in the air on one those things!"

"Grr! That's not fair!" I dug my foot into the ground and faced away from him. A few moments ago, I told Chrom about my desire to try flying on a Pegasus. Naturally, I expected him to be supportive of my wish (he is the greatest best friend in the world, after all) but he was totally against it!

"Pout all you want, Anna! I'm not letting you ride a Pegasus!" Chrom firmly said.

I clenched my fists into tight balls and looked down to hide my tears. "Why are you being like this?!" I shouted. "You're always so supportive with every one of my decisions! Why don't you believe in me to do this?!"

He let out a deep sigh and leaned on the table. "It's not that I don't believe in you... It's just...hard to explain..."


I turned sharply and stomped out of his tent. "Anna, wait!" he called after me.

I ignored him and kept walking. That jerk! That stupid jerk! Why is he acting this way?! Is he hiding something from me?! I growled in frustration and kept walking.

"I can't believe him! I just want to try something new! Is that too bad?! I swear he's gonna-AH" I collided headfirst into something and fell to the ground.

"Ah! I'm so sorry!" Sumia frantically apologized, helping me to my feet. "I didn't see you coming! I'm sorry!"

I dismissed her with a wave of my hand. "No, no! It's my fault! I wasn't looking where I was going!" I laughed nervously. "I should be the one apologizing! I'm so sorry, Sumia!"

Sumia smiled at me. "T-thank you, Anna!" she exclaimed. "...Hey, you look pretty mad. Is something wrong?"

I groaned and crossed my arms. "Ugh! It's Chrom! We just fought, and I'm still really salty about it!"

Sumia's eyes widened with shock. "Really?!" she squeaked. "But you two never fight! What happened?"

I sighed and shook my head. "I want to learn how to fly on a Pegasus, but Chrom won't let me! And he won't tell me why!" I complained, beginning to feel a bit better having ranted.

"Oh, that's all?" she asked. "Well... What's stopping you from learning anyway?"

I looked up at her. "Huh?"

"Well, Chrom may be our commander, but he can't tell us what we can and can't do in our spare time!" she smiled. "I can say that I'm going out for a fly and I'm taking you with me! It's as simple as that!"

"R-really?!" I blurted in shock. "You'd do that?!"

"Of course!" Sumia clapped her hands in excitement. "It'll be fun! I promise!"

I grinned widely at her. "Thank you so much, Sumia! You're such a good friend!"

A bit of blush crept up on her cheeks. "Oh, it's really nothing!" she said shyly. "L-let's go! Lovebird is waiting!"



"Ok! So, do you have the basics down?" Sumia asked me as she adjusted me to the saddle.

I gripped the reins and nodded. "Yeah! It's just like riding a horse, but faster and I need to hold on tighter!" I stated.

Sumia smiled and pet the mare's mane. "Good! And don't forget to always be looking where you're going!" she said. "Now, just promise to be careful, and don't go too far or high! Just one or two circles around camp should be enough!"

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