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Sometime before chapter 6. Chrom (Pre-relationship)

I skipped a rock on the lake's surface. It bounced three times, then sank. I sighed as I tossed another stone. This is usually more fun with someone else... Anna's beautiful smiling face popped into my mind. "Oh, Anna... Why must you make me feel this way?"

There's no denying it anymore: I'm in love with my best friend. Madly in love. She makes me so happy...so comforted...how could I not fall for her? What's the only solution to this? Avoiding her like the plague and seeing what happens. I can't be around her...not when she makes me feel this way... If I talk to her, there's no doubt that I'd make a fool of myself and then she'd hate me forever, and I'd never have a chance with her. Yes. That is what would happen.

I looked at the reflection of the bright orange sunset on the water; it made my heart hurt. Anna would love this... I could have taken her here... A sad smiled crept upon my lips as I closed my eyes, an image of Anna and me by the lake came into my mind. My arm was around her, and she rested against me. If only that could be real...

I blinked away my tears and threw another rock with too much force. Stupid! That's what I am! She will NEVER love me! How...how could she ever love someone like me? I'm the opposite of a gentleman around her, and I always say the wrong thing! Not to mention...I'm a prince... No doubt that my title scares her... If...if in the slight chance that she loved me as well...she would...she would become a princess... I shook my head, trying to shake away the thought. "No! I-if I think of her loving me...I'll only get my hopes up..." The weight of my singent ring in my pocket suddenly became heavier.

A gentle breeze kissed my face as I sighed. You know...this would be a perfect proposal spot... "Grr...! What am I thinking?!" I groaned. "I have to tell her how I feel eventually! Why...why do I think proposing is the only way to do that?"

I decided that the day I confess my love to Anna: I'm going to do it by proposing. It's stupid, reckless, and overall a horrible plan... But I don't know what else to do! I may as well be completely forward with her. I want her to know that I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I'm not afraid to convey that to her. ...If only I could muster the courage to talk to her.

I know that she'll reject me. I know it. But...I have a small sliver of hope that she'll say yes...

If she did... I smiled warmly. "If she said yes...that would...that would be wonderful! I-I can finally convey my true feelings towards her! I can hold her and keep her safe forever! I'll make her happy... I'll give her anything she asked for..." Gods...what I would give to be with Anna...

"I-I want her to be happy! No matter what! Even...even if that means she's with someone else..." The thought of Anna with another sets a pang of jealousy through my heart. "I'll always be here for her... No matter what... And if she just wants to be friends: that's alright. I just want her in my life forever... If there is someone else out there who will make her the happiest she's ever been, then by gods, let them have her! She deserves the best..."

I grinned as a memory came back to me...

"Chrom! Hurry up, ya slow poke!"

"I'm going as fast as I can, Anna! The lake isn't going anywhere!"

I caught up with her, and she smiled. "Well, the sunset is! C'mon! We only have a few hours of daylight left!" she exclaimed, running off again. I rolled my eyes and chased after her.

Anna marveled at the lake once we approached it. "Wow...it's beautiful...!"

I panted and stood by her side. "Y-yeah! I used to come here all the time as a kid! I have a lot of good memories of this place..." The rushing waterfall filled the silence of the usually quiet forest, and it made all my stress go away.

"...Thank you for taking me here, Chrom," Anna smiled. "You really didn't have to."

I shook my head and nudged her shoulder. "I know how much you love lakes and waterfalls, so I just had to take you here! I knew you would like it!" I said, smiling down at her.

"Thank you, again..." she whispered. "You know? This looks kinda like a scene from a story..."

"What? Like a place where people confess their love for each other?"

"Well, yeah. But it could also be the place an ax murderer takes his victims to murder them."

I burst out laughing and clutched my stomach. "Oh, my gods, Anna! You're unbelievable!" I exclaimed.

"What?! Are you gonna murder me?!" She smirked.

I wiped away a tear and put a hand on her shoulder. "N-no! Why would you think that?!" I chuckled.

She shrugged. "I dunno! Reasons?"

"Yeah, sure. I'm going to murder you for 'reasons.'"

We stared at the lake for a little while. "...This place is pretty romantic when you think about it..." Anna murmured.

I raised an eyebrow at her. "Oh? Are you starting to fall for me?" I jested.

Anna blushed and punched my shoulder. "Not on your life, you moron!" she squeaked.

I laughed at her. "I'm kidding! I'm kidding!" I grabbed her arm to stop her attacks. "What? Am I unattractive or something?"

"That's not the point!!!"

I shook my head and took her hands in mine. "Sure... Would you like to dance?"

"And you were the one saying I was falling for you!" Anna rolled her eyes.

I chuckled and squeezed her hand. "I'm just making fun of you! Besides, think of this as practice for the festival Emm is hosting."

Anna smirked. "Fine. Show me what you got!"

I swayed us to an imaginary rhythm. She stepped on my feet multiple times, but I only shook my head at her attempts of apologizing and told her it was okay. We barely danced for a minute before I stopped us. "That's enough of that! You're going to kill my poor feet!"

Anna blushed and looked down. "I said I'm sorry!"

I smiled at her. "It's alright. You're doing just fine for a beginner!"

Anna smiled back. "Heh...thanks," she said. "Um, can we go back? It's getting kinda dark..."

I nodded. "Of course. Let's go!"

That memory only made my heart hurt more. Gods...what I would give to dance with her once more...

I threw another stone into the lake. "Anna... I will do anything to see you happy... Even if that means I have to let you go..." I sighed. "I promise that everything will be cleared up soon. I love you."


Oh, Chrom...you poor oblivious boy... Yeah, this was fun to write. I can't think of anything else to say XD. Thank you so much for reading, and look forward to reading more!

Next Prompt: August 16th, Love

Currently listening to: House Of Gold: Twenty One Pilots

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