First Date

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Sometime after chapter 11. Anna (Pre-marriage)

It was one day while we were working when Chrom asked me this, "I've never taken you on a real date, have I?"

I'm not really one for romantic gestures, and I honestly don't care that we've never been on a traditional date. Just being with him was enough. "I don't think you have," I shrugged, focusing on my documents. "It's not that big of a deal, Chrom."

"Well, it is to me!" I looked up at him to see his adorable pouting face. Gods...please don't make that face... "It's my duty as your fiancé to love and pamper you every second of every day!"

I covered my mouth and giggled. "You're making that up!" I laughed. "You've been acting this way ever since we announced our engagement! Any reason why?"

Chrom rolled his eyes; like I was supposed to know why he was acting this way? "Because! Now that our engagement is public, we can make romantic gestures toward each other without fear of being caught!"

And he's supposed to be the king of an entire kingdom, again? "Chrom, you're just being a dork. It doesn't matter that we've never been on a date! In fact, we've been on plenty of dates without realizing it!" I smiled.

That answer didn't satisfy him. "Well, I still think that we need to go on a real date!" He got up from his chair and bowed politely at me. "Lady Anna? Will you do me the honor of joining me on a date this evening?"

Did he just call me...never mind. He's serious about this date thing? Huh? Well, maybe I can have some fun with this! I faked a yawn and leaned back in my chair. "Sorry, but I'm busy later!"

"Wait, what?!" He stared in disbelief at me. "B-but- But you're not doing anything!"

I cracked open an eye. "Something came up last minute!" I smirked. "Maybe some other time?"

He didn't know how to react. "I- uh- but- What?!"

I got up from my chair and kissed his cheek. "I need to go, my love," I smiled. "Lissa wants me to help her with her magic, so I'm off to do that!" I kissed his lips quickly and turned away. He was still speechless.

I soon as I knew I was a good distance away from Chrom's study, I leaned against a wall and laughed. "Oh, gods, what a dork! I have to tell Lissa!"


"And you said no?!" Lissa laughed.

I nodded and reached up to grab a wind tome. "Yeah!" I giggled. "Don't get me wrong, I love that man more than life itself, but I thought I could have some fun with him for a bit!"

"How's that?"

I turned around and set the tome on the table. "I know that Chrom's going to ask me out many more times today, so I'm going to see how far he'll go!"

Lissa leaned against the table and laughed harder. "I have never been prouder to call you my future sister-in-law!" she said.


Lissa picked up the tome. "Can we get started?" she asked.

I withdrew my own tome. "Yes, let's!"


The next time he asked me was during lunch.

"Hello, love," he said as he sat down next to me, kissing my head. "How was your training session with Lissa?"

I smiled at him and picked at my food. "It was good!" I replied. "She's making outstanding progress!"

"I'm glad to hear that!" He took a bite out of his sandwich. "Speaking of training: I was hoping that you and I could spar after lunch? A few of the cadets wanted to see how well we fight together."

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