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Sometime after the endgame. Anna

I took a breath and put my violin underneath my chin, gripping the bow tightly as I readied myself for the performance. I plucked one of the strings repeatedly with my index finger; my bow felt like it was going to fall from my hand any minute due to my palm being so sweaty. Then, I heard the pianist play the first few notes. He played the notes again, this time higher. I turned my head ever so slightly and caught his cerulean blue eyes. My son nodded at me, and I nodded back. The fun was about to begin.

He gently played a few notes as we began the song, my heart jumped in anticipation. Without warning, I brought my bow down heavily on the strings and began to play. Each note rung in my ears as I played with enough force to take down an army. Morgan brought his hands down on the keys and joined me, a satisfied smile crept upon my lips. Let's see how well you do with Mama, kiddo!

I played at a fast tempo as my son followed correctly. I lifted the bow from the strings and brought it back down in a staccato fashion. I allowed my son to take the upper hand in the music, but not for long.

I applied more pressure to the strings, and I swayed my head and body to the rhythm, allowing the music to take me over. The sweet sound of the violin echoed in my ears, sending my heart into a hurried pace of excitement. I closed my eyes and let out a satisfied sigh. Not bad, Morgan. But can you keep up?

I cracked open an eye to look at my son, and the smirk on his face told me he was thinking the exact same thing. He played each note beautifully as he kept to my fast tempo, his fingers flying across the keys. I quickly took hold of my bow with my thumb, middle, and ring finger. I plucked the strings to my violin hard to allow the sound to ring out through the room. With each note played, my finger hurt more and more from the heavy pressure.

I took back full control of the bow and started playing again, the pain in my finger began to subside. Without warning, I applied more pressure to the strings and let the sound echo like thunder throughout the room.

I played staccato again as Morgan took control and played each note perfectly. I swear that I almost saw him smiling! Not bad, son... But try to keep up with this! I skillfully maneuvered my bow back and forth with speed and elegance. My hand moved up and down the neck of the violin, lifting each finger only to bring them down again to hit each note.

I decided to cut Morgan a bit of slack, and we played the next part in unison. It sent a feeling of pride through my heart as he kept up with me perfectly; almost as if he knew my every move. His hands moved to the higher keys of the piano as I began pizzicato again. Then, we joined back together in unison. He flashed me a smirk to which I returned. We played our instruments with force and power, the sounds resonating loudly against the marble walls.

I lowered my bow slightly and breathed slowly. I didn't consider as to how tired this would make me! I turned my gaze to Morgan as he played on his own for a few measures, he was playing confidently and carefully. I smiled. That's my boy!

I recollected myself and played the same few notes that he just played; Morgan followed along in a perfect tempo. We stayed together for a few more measures without a break, letting the music take us into a brand-new world of our own. I moved into the next part quickly and powerfully, not giving Morgan any warning.

I loosened my grip on the bow and played the next few notes in a shaky fashion as Morgan played his part softly. I then moved into pizzicato again, not even caring about the pain in my finger. I brought my bow back to the strings and played in a calm and beautiful fashion, swaying to the rhythm. I relaxed my bow and stopped playing for a moment, allowing Morgan to take over. We continued the pattern for a few more measures.

I played the next notes in a slurring fashion, hitting each high and low note only to stop and play them again. I played sharply for the next part, and then began to slur again; this time with more pressure. Morgan kept up with my abnormal playing, hitting each key as hard as he could.

We shared another look as we moved into the next part. We're only getting started.

We played a few notes individually for a few measures, applying even more force each time we played. We moved into the next part softly, as if we were trying to lull our audience to sleep. I inhaled the woody scent of the rosin as it fell like snow as I moved the bow across the strings. Without warning, Morgan and I played the next measures forcibly and loudly, smiling as we took the audience by surprise. We returned to playing softly shortly after.

Morgan kept to my tempo as we played perfectly in unison. I slurred my bow as he played the piano in almost a ripple-like fashion. I let the music take control of my body as I moved and swayed to the rhythm. We gradually applied more force as we played the next few notes.

I looked over to Morgan one more time, and we shared the exact same thoughts. Time to end this! We played the next part loudly and confidently, keeping to each other's tempo. We were transferred back into our own world as we played the notes, not caring about anything else. I finally let every emotion out as I moved my bow across the strings, each note telling a different story.

I clenched my teeth as I played the next notes as quickly and powerfully as possible. I didn't even care about my accompanist's presence; I was doing my own thing. The music took full control of me as we played the last part of the song. It was almost over.

I let my emotions pour out as I played the last part of the song; tears were beginning to form in my eyes. I relaxed my bow and began to breathe heavily. My arms were exhausted.

Just then, Morgan began to play the piano again. He's doing his own thing! Just...just like how I play... I smiled and played along with him, letting the solum song ring out. I focused the last of my energy to the notes as we finished the piece. I gripped my bow carefully once more and plucked the last two notes on the strings. It was over.

Reality settled back on me as the crowd roared with applause. I panted heavily as my eyes adjusted to the bright room. Everything seemed to go black as soon as we began playing. My hands and neck were sweaty, and my fingers were numb from the pressure of the strings. I looked the front of the crowd and saw my husband's smiling face. He was holding a 3-year-old Lucina in his arms, and she was cheering for us. To his left stood the older Lucina who looked very proud of her younger brother. The rest of the party guests clapped and cheered for our performance. It was a pleasant sight.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Morgan stand next to me. I smiled at the sight of him. "Good job, buddy," I whispered. "I'm so proud of you."

His eyes began to water as he smiled back. "Thanks, mom..." We turned to the audience and bowed, reciving even more cheers and applause.

We exited stage right, and I placed my violin back in the case that I had left on the wing. I stood back up and straightened my plain white dress. "Are you ready to return to our guests?" I asked.

Morgan's head bobbed up and down. "You bet!"

I giggled and adjusted his bowtie. "That's my boy."

We left the stage and returned to the world of being Ylissean royalty.


...So this is what happens when you let a classical music nerd write about music. So a little background knowledge on this: I first heard the cover of this song (it's titled "Dance Macabre" btw) about a year ago, and I immediately thought of Morgan and Anna playing it together. It goes along with a headcanon I have of Anna teaching Morgan how to play piano and then them having music wars. Also, a little fun fact about me: I used to play the violin! And I'm obsessed with Your Lie in April so I took a lot of inspiration from that XD. Anyway, thank you so much for reading, and look forward to reading more!

Next Prompt: August 26th, Flight.

Currently listening to: The Ballad Of Mona Lisa: Panic! At The Disco

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