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The day after The Coronation Ball. Cordelia

Have you ever known what it felt like to be empty?


I've felt this way since last night... I want it to go away.

"Cordelia? Are you listening to me?" I heard my best friend, Sumia, ask.

I snapped out of my daze and turned to her. "O-oh! Of course! Yes!" I replied, wringing my hands.

Sumia gave me a skeptical look then continued talking. But I wasn't listening. I couldn't hear her over my own thoughts. Earlier this afternoon, Sumia asked me if I wanted to go on a walk with her through the Royal Gardens, and I accepted. I thought that it would be a good distraction from the aching feeling in my heart, but no. If anything, it's gotten worse.

W-why her?! Why did he choose her?! I've known him longer; she hasn't even known him for a year! Then again...from what I've seen, those two are inseparable! She does spend all of her time with him...I guess that gave him more time to fall for her... Gods, Cordelia! What are you even saying?! You sound like a petty brat! Of course, I'm happy for them! I really am! All I want is for Chrom to be happy! Anna, too... She's helped me so much in the short time I've known her... Those two really deserve each other... Still... That doesn't mean my heart isn't broken... Maybe if I'd done something differently? Maybe then he would have-

"CORDELIA! YOU AREN'T LISTENING TO ME!!!" Sumia punched my shoulder.

I gasped in pain and held my shoulder. "Ow! You didn't have to punch me!" I exclaimed.

Sumia put her hands on her hips and raised an eyebrow. "You've been extremely spacy since last night! What's going on?" she demanded.

I looked away and kept walking. "...It's nothing, really..."

"You ALSO left the ball early! You NEVER do that!"

I picked up my pace. "I wasn't feeling well!"

"Cordelia! Everyone is worried about you! I'M worried about you!"

"I said-AH!" I crashed into a tree. Great...

Sumia helped me to my feet. "Alright, something's wrong," she sighed. "You always look where you're going! Tell me what's wrong."

I let down a breath and wiped away a tear. "...Fine... Let's find a place to sit down and I'll tell you..."

A few moments later, we were seated in the shade of a tree's green leaves.

"I...I'm heartbroken, Sumia..." I whispered.

She gasped and put a hand on my shoulder. "Oh no! What happened?" she asked.

I looked down to hide my tears. "It happened at Lord Chrom's Coronation Ball, last night..."

"I see..."

I looked into Sumia's brown eyes. "Sums... I'm about to tell you something I've NEVER told anyone before, alright?" I took a deep breath. "I-I'm in love with Chrom!" My cheeks flushed pink at my sudden declaration. I can't believe I actually said that... Oh, I wonder how Sumia is going to react! She's probably going to be really shocked-

"Oh, I knew that."

"WHAT?!?!" Now my face was completely red. "HOW?! WHAT?! WHO TOLD YOU?!?!"

Sumia giggled and leaned against the tree. "Everyone knows, silly! It was really obvious!" she said. "So...I'm guessing you're heartbroken about him and Anna being together?"

I let my tears fall and I nodded. Well, so much for keeping it a secret! "Uh huh..."

Sumia rubbed my back. "Do you want to talk about it?"

I collapsed into her arms and sobbed. It have someone to talk to about this. "I-I'm super happy for them and I wish them the best, but a small part of me still wished that it was me in Anna's place!"

"'re a bit green with envy, huh?"

"Yeah..." I hugged Sumia tighter. "I-I just want this feeling to go away... I want to start feeling happy for them..."

"Well, then start! It'll be easy! What, with all the wedding hype, there's bound to be excitement!" Sumia smiled.

I shook my head. "I know...but it's...hard..."

Sumia squeezed me once more before releasing me. "I know. I really do. But you want to know something?" she asked me, grinning.


"I used to be in love with Chrom."

Now that took me by surprise. "Y-you did?! Wow...well, you did a better job at hiding your feelings than I did..." I muttered.

Sumia shook her head. "Not really, in my opinion..." she trailed off. "Well, I used to really love him! Ever since I met him! When Anna came feelings started to fade... I realized that he would never look at me the same way I did him...and it hurt... It really did. But you know what happened? I started hanging out with Frederick more, and I realized I loved him! And look at us now! I can't imagine being with anyone else. Ever. Not even Chrom."

"'re saying I need to find someone else?"

"I'm saying you need to find something that makes you happy, and if that's someone else, then that's fine. The most important thing is that you're happy."

I stared at her for a moment. "...Thanks, Sumia..." I hugged her again. "I really need to get over this... Being with Chrom is just a silly fantasy...I need to come back to the real world!"

Sumia squeezed my hands and smiled. "I'm glad," she said. "Sooooo... Stahl was asking about you at the ball last night..."

I blushed. "W-what?"

"He was asking where you were! He wanted to ask you to dance!"

Oh, gods...he did? "O-oh... I...I feel terrible, now..." I looked down.

Sumia giggled. "Don't! I'm sure he'll forgive you!" She playfully punched my shoulder. "Hey, you two would make a great couple!"

"I-I'm not so sure about that!"

"Just sayin'!" Sumia brought me into one last hug. "I'm glad you're feeling better, Cordelia. You deserve to be happy."

My eyes began to water. "Heh, thanks, Sums...I needed this... You're the best best friend ever," I said.

"Awww! Thank you!" She squeezed me tighter.

"No problem..."

...Things will get better! I know it! There are plenty of other fish in the sea... I can't focus on Chrom anymore, he has someone who makes him happy. ...Now I just have to find happiness for myself!


I literally forgot that the phrase "green with envy" existed until I started writing this XD. Also, what the heck does that even mean?! *One quick Google search later*'s a Shakespearean it. I don't question Shakespeare XD. Anyway, I had the random urge to write angsty Cordelia and caring Sumia so here ya go. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

Next Prompt: August 30th, Journal

Currently listening to: Waving Through a Window: Dear Evan Hanson Soundtrack

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