chapter 6

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"oh Soda you're so silly!" I joked

"shoot kid I'm always silly."

"I know." I smiled until I remembered all the things that happened

I quickly changed my expression.

"Darry what day is it?" I asked. The boys glanced at each other.

"what." I asked timidly

"it is Thursday." pony said.

"What? Whit I have been sleeping for two days Andy. Whit Andy left. I didn't get to say goodbye." tears were pouring down my face.

"he left yesterday. he didn't stop by but he called and hoped you were okay."Darry said hugging me. He got a pillow for my foot.

"bastard." I whispered in the mean time

"what? " soda asked giving me that look like I just said something that I shouldn't.

"Hehe oh nothing. Dont we have school and you have work? " I asked.

"no I have school. You need to get better." Pony said while kissing me on the head. Soda nodded

"well don't you have work?"

"nope I'm staying with you today."

"I have work until noon." we nodded.Darry gave Soda a look. Weird

I got off the couch and fumbled towards the door where pony just left. I grasped the door nob for support. "Pony grad my homework." I yelled

"okay." he yelled back.

I fell and Sodapop caught me. "so I assume your foot still hurts."

"yes but I'm still dizzy."

"so baby what do you want for breakfast? " Soda asked. Darry left minutes ago telling me I had to rest the whole time. I argued but didn't have enough energy left which proved his point. "Earth to Anna." Soda waved his hand in front of my face.

"stop that." I joked and slapped his hand playfully out of my face. " I will have an apple." he noised. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple and tossed it to me. I was so dizzy I saw three apples flying towards me so I ducked and one still ended up hitting me hard on the head.

"damn it Anna you always catch it. are you okay." Sodapop said while rushing to my side.

"I'm fine just still really out of it." I said looking at Soda well thought I was looking at him.

"Anna this way." he moved my head to him.

"okay. uh can I have something for the pain?" I asked

"you have to eat first. I'm gonna get you ice for you foot and ankle."

"thank you."

I tried moving my foot but flinched at the pain that shot through my leg. I was crying.

"Annabear everything okay."

"yeah Soda it just hurts. Everything my head my foot my... nevermind."

"okay. I'm gonna help. I'm gonna put this ice pack on your foot to make the swelling go down. We tried while you were sleeping but you kept moving in your bed so we decided to leave it off."

"oh." was all I could say.

"so Soda what are we gonna do today?" I asked

"Darry is taking you to get your foot looked at."

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