Chapter 24 part 1

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Anna's POV

It's been two days since I woke up. I have a different perspective on life. I could have died, never take your life for granite, i guess.

I was reading my new all time favorite book 'Life of Glass' it's honestly the best book I've ever read. I only read it when Dallas isn't in the room, I don't want him to see me cry.

I was at the climax in the book when dally came running in my room just with his underwear.

"God how many more days do we have to be here?" he whined.

"I don't know. The doctors told me I have to stay a few days to make sure all of my organs work properly.

"awe I'm sorry doll, I'll be here everyday" he said and squeezed my hand.

"Thanks babe, I love you" I blurted out for he first time, with all my heart.

"I-i- love you too" he said coolly. Then our lips met. I felt like I could do anything, I was infinite.

One year later

Dally's POV

Today would have been Anna's 16th birthday. God I miss her so much. She had a bad reaction to the organ treatment. Ponyboy is taking it pretty hard. He won't even celebrate his birthday today which is understandable. I miss her perfect smile, her blue eyes, her dark brown hair. Everything about her is I mean was so love able. I just miss her so much. Rest in peace Anna we miss you.

The end.


Oh my gosh I can't believe I did that.....

Jkjk jkjk lololo did I trick you.

Keep reading theirs more below.

One year later

Dallas's POV

"Happy birthday baby girl" i yelled as I jumped on her bed.

"Ugh really Dallas. It's..." she looked over at the wall clock waiting for her eyes to adjust. "7 o'clock. And a Saturday. Why are you so perky this morning?" she rubbed her eyes and pulled the blanket out for me to get in.

"I made breakfast" I told her. Anna hasn't changed much. Still 5.3ish, bright blue eyes, dark brown almost black hair, doesn't eat much. She's become a lot better though. She out stretched her arms waiting for me to pick her up. I did so and carried her out to the kitchen where Darry sat reading the newspaper.

"Hey Anna bear. Happy birthday" I leaned her down so Darry could kiss her head. She went into a fit if giggles.

"Why are you so pretty?" I asked siting her down at the table.

"Um correction I'm 16 today so that makes me beautiful." She was always beautiful in my eyes.

"I love you" she kissed my cheek and drank some coffee.

"I love you too" I said then set a plate down of chocolate chip waffles, her new and improved breakfast. I leaned down and kissed her cheek. My tuff side is gone when I'm with her.

"Enough with the PDA please" sodapop said entering the room.

"That's all you're gonna say to me?" Anna asked jokingly pretending to be mad that he didn't wish her happy birthday right away.

"Oh yeah that's right it's Ponys birthday" he laughed.

"You're gonna get it" she yelled and tackled him.

Sodapop easily pinned her shoulders down.

"Owww sodapop" she winked at me.

"Stop hurting my girlfriend" i yelled jokingly and threw soda off of anna I had a handful of sodas shirt when I jumped onto my back.

I let go of soda and dumped her on the couch. She landed on something that's not the couch. "Watch it" a morning voice groggily yelled. Twobit.

"Oh fancy meeting you here" She turned her body so her stomach was on his.

"Happy birthday girly" he messed up her hair. "They grow up so fast" Twobit yelled more towards Darry.

Anna's POV

"I know our baby girl is all grown up" he kissed my forehead.

"I feel so loved" I said but someone else said it at the same time. I turned my head to see pony slouching in the kitchen chair. He said it with more attitude.

"Awe don't be like that twiny." I jumped off of Twobits stomach making him groan. "Shut it Keith" I smiled at him.

"Group hug" I yelled while hugging pony. The rest of the gang smothered us.

"Where has he time gone little buddy?" I over heard Darry ask soda. Pony and I were comparing height again even though we both knew he was taller.

"I don't know dar" soda mumbled, but he was happy about it. I smiled so did pony. He put his arm around me and laughed.

"Are you ready for tonight?" He asked me.

"I was born ready" I stated and dragged pony with me to go give our big brothers, and only family left, a hug.


So did I trick you? where you like "what?"

Feedback please.

I've been really busy with school. The transfer to high school from middle school was tough with the work load but I'm adjusting. Sorry I haven't updated all week it's just if I don't get sleep I'm ruined for the next day

🚨🚨Okay I need everyone to go read my sodapop fanfic please. I work reall hard on it and not a lot of people read it yet. So if you're looking for a sad sodapop story go read "Broken to Pieces" 🚨🚨

I'm going to update My New Family and Break Away tonight still!

Please everyone leave feedback like no one will on my story on Instagram and it's annoying :( so please do it for Johnny lol

Part two of this story will be up soon. Probably not tonight tho

Xoxo stay gold

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