chapter 17

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Annabeth's POV

I made my way up stairs with Jenny on my tail. I rushed into my room finding the perfect dress that was casual enough to look like I'm not trying to look perfect foe him.

"Hey what's the hurry?'' Jenny questioned.\

"Dallas asked me to go out to dinner with him along you and Twobit!" I said with my favorite dress in my hands. "This one?" It was a teal greenish silk dress with floral lace. It sorta poofed out at the bottom but not too much. I grabbed my 3 inch tan wedges and sighed. I'll never get to wear these agin, or at least for awhile. I Grabbed my tan flats and made my way to my grandmas old vanity. My jewelry box contained over 100 pairs of earrings, which seems rediculous but I'm different, while most girls wore gold or silver stud balls I wore flowers, dimonds, pearls, odd shapped earrings, I mean I have three piercings so I get bored fast with them. Anyways I stole most of them, with Dallas, over the summer we snuck out a lot. It was easier because I wasn't dragging a huge ass cast with me everywhere. Darry never lets me out of his sight now or at least the three weeks I've had this piece of shit. I handed Jenny a gold necklace that had gold handcuffs on it with little dimonds around them, I'm not sure if it was real gold and silver and dimonds but I didn;t care I had a good time stealing them. I handed The necklace to Jenny for her to put on me, she put it gently around my neck and clasped it.

"Anna it's beautiful, Where'd you get it?" I smiled

"Dally and I stole it last summer" I giggled at the memory of the manager screaming at as and chasing us with a broom until that fat ass just gave up. "We stole most of the things in here but I haven't gotten anything new since I got this stupid cast on." I sighed and put on my bracelets I wear everyday and went down stairs with Jenny trailing me. It felt great to be wamted again.

"Wow Anna why'd you get all dolled up?" Sodapop grabbed my shoulders and got a better look at me.

"I'm going out to dinner with Jenny, twobit, and Dallas" he smiled so I smiled. He looked at my jewelry with a questioning look but shook it off.

"Alright! have fun" he hugged me

" Hey Anna! you look mighty fine" Dallas nudged me, I giggled, Maybe I do have a crush on him, it was probably just an older boy crush when you know you can't have them but you still try.

"thanks" we kept nudging each others arms.

"are you two done flirting, I'm getting hungry." we laughed, mine was an embrassed laugh but his was an I get what I want laugh. I blushed a little too. Dallas noticed and put his arm around me.

"Anna where do you think you're going?" Darry quetioned

"Aw com'on Darry, it ain't even late yet. I'm just going out to dinner with Dally and Twobit, no harm done. Right?" I stood with my arms crossed, like mom did.

Sodapop whispered something to Darry and which made Darry sigh but then said "I want her home by 10 Dallas you hear. Make sure you get Jenny home safely too" Dallas looked down at me than Darry.

"Don't worry, I got Anna's back." Darry smiled and Soda gave me a thumbs up from behind Darry. I chuckled

The four of us made our way out of the house, which was kinda suprising.

 "Sooooo Anna I saw you win that battle between Ashlynn today. Way to go Ann, you're finally becoming tuff!" Twobit smiled a big smile

"Yeah well Two, I just, I know how to yell and put people in a spot where they have no come back. All y'all probably thought I was just zoning out on converstations but I'm tired of being quiet, I've had enough of being forgotten so I changed today and it was for the better." I looked at my closest friends with wide eyes making sure they supported me. They all just smiled

By the time we were done talking about me and my changes we got to the dingo. Dally pulled the chair out for me and I nodded a thank you Twobit did the same which suprised me, a lot. Two bit actually being a gentlman, wow.

Dally ordered a burgar and milkshake, Twobit and Jenny the same. "i'll just have a small order of fries please" the waitress snapped her gum and glared at my stomach and legs, which were pretty thin but not bad.

"Honey go get some meat on your bones, you look sick and ugly, I bet these people are just trying to boost your self esstem so you don't kill your self. I shot a glare.


I looked over at my friends, they were wide eyed. After a moment of scilence Twobit clapped "you weren't kidding, badass Anna" he gave me a high five.  Dally padded my back, "I thought I was goign to have to get mouthie with her but you were being very strong I like this side of you" he kissed my cheek. I didn't blush but Jenny got red. "Um yeah Anna good job!' she sarcastically high fived me

That bitch of a waiter came back eith 3 drinks on her tray and one in her hand. "okay so a coke, pepsie, water" she set them down hastially and turned away. "and my drink?" I yelled for her

"oh right" she poured the sticky liquid all over me, I think I ordered coke. "My bad" she strauted back to the kitchen. I looked down at my mothers dress. No no no no this can't be happening I let a tear slide down my cheek. Everyone looked over at me. How embarresing. Dally stormed out of his chair into the kitchen I heard him yelling something at the waitress but Twobit and Jenny were trying to comfort me. Dally came running back out, "go go go!" he ordered. Twobit and Jenny ran out as did Dally but I couldn't run because of my cast, Damn it I want it off. So I did my best to make it to the door when my face met the ground. I stared up to see... Jason.

"You see the waitress, that is Ashlynn's sister, I paided her to pour coke on you. You deserve to die." He got off of me and threw a note at me. Dally came running in right when Jason was walking out the other door. I read the note before Dallas could see it, it said Watch your back, before it is mine. I crumpled up the note, then He saw me on the floor.

"Here let me carry you." He picked me up and gave me his  jacket.The walk was silent I was freezing on the way home, i tried to snuggle up in Dally's jaket but my legs were still cold. He asked me if I was cold but I just shoved my face into his chest not wanting anyone to see my 'ugly' face.


feed back please. The Jason thing sort of seems like pretty little liars but only a tidbit but I'm still give her credit. Some Jason scenes belong to Sara Shepard and Marlana King! please leave feed back! Also do y'all ship Anna and Dally, i know it is still early in my book about them but I will get more detailed. This isn't my best chapter sorry, I'm tryong to make it better. Also to all my readers that read break away I'm going to try to update that this week! sorry for mis spelled words I'll correct them later

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