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(recap) Ponyboy doesn't know about Anna getting in a fight. He was walking outside of school with Annabeth and they ran into Ashlynn. Ashlynn knocked Anna over and was about to kick her in the face again.
Annabeth's Pov
I saw Ashlynn raise her foot anf glance at her friends, Madaline looked pleased to be friends with this bitch, Kate looked me dead in the eyes, and Jenny had regret written all over her face. We made eye contact and Jenny pushed Ashlynn over. Ashlynn screeched at Jenny cussing her out
" How dare you Jenny, you are going to stand up for this bitch, she was terrible to you" Ashlynn screamed while staring me down.
" no if anything Ashlynn youre the monster. You control us, I'm talking for myself right now, but I'm a leader and you are tearing all of us apart. I don't ever want to be seen with you again! you're the bitch" Jenny cried. She bent down and helped me up. I must of had a puzzled look because she hugged me and whispered "lets take this bitch down. she doesn't deserve all of this." she motioned to our bodies and we giggled
Jenny and I have always been close friends since the day on of first grade. We drew each other cards and pictures First grade through third. in fourth grade she bought me a best friends necklace and said we will be each others brides maids nad grow old together and watch our children grow up together. The next week she met Ashlynn and we talked but I took it out of hand and said she had to choose me or Ashlynn. She chose Ashlynn. The next few weeks after that she would wave or say a slight hi but inside we both knew it would never be the same.One day she said Ashlynn was a bitch and she didn't know who to be friends with anymore. I wanted to say i'll be your best friend again but she met Maddy and Kate and said we could be math partners. Eventually she felt bad for me and said I could come to one of their sleepovers. i was over joyed until I saw how she changed. My best innocent friend was a dirty mouth wannabe. i was devestated but stuck with them. we have never been as good of friends since, but this was my chance.
I grabbed her hand and squeezed it. "I missed you Jenny, will you come over to my house, I have some plotting to do." I said the last part loud enough for Ashlynn to hear.
"oh please Anna, you dont scare me, You should be scared of me" she sassed "babe help me up" she held her hands out for Jason.
He agressivly picked her up and pushed her back and whispered in my ear "watch your back, I'm always watching, I would hate to see a teen death in this down, especially a 'sweet innocent girl'." he backed away and put a grimy hand through his oily, not greasy, it just looked dirty. He huffed up to Ashlynn and wiped his gross dirty finger nails on her neck. She didn't break eye contact with me while Jason whispered in her ear. She smiled a creepy smile and nodded. I turned towards Ponyboy who just had his mouth open wide.
" remember when you and the boys took me to the hospital for my cast two weeks ago and I told you you would never understand my problems, well now you are in the loop of my school life and secrets." he nodded
" I am suprised you didn't break down and cry, I ws mortified for you, what do you think" he said while shrugging my backpack
' I think they are bluffing" I waved over Jenny.
"come over to my house I think you need a refresher on my life" we laughed at me trying to be... different.

a/n okay guys that was my first chapter while writing it on my laptop let me know if you like it! sorry its a really boring chapter its just a filler.
My house has the worst connection. I had to email this chapter to myself and put it on here. Ugh and my dad almost saw it. No one In my family or friends know I write/read fanfic 😁 okay so I'll update tomorrow probably!

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