Chapter 21

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Anna's POV

Jason actually got me. It freaked me out. I started screaming. Jason sighed in frustration. "I'm done with your shit" he flicked out his switch blade and stabbed me. I was scared dally nor the gang came running out to the alley. Jason threw me on the ground and dragged me by my hair. I could feel the blood running down my lower half of my body. My eyes started to droop. This is the end. I thought. I was going in and out of darkness. Suddenly I was met by a splash of water. I used all of my strength to come back up but with little I had it was useless. Anyways I felt Jason's hand on top of my head forcing me down.

"Enough" I heard someone yell through the water. I was dragged out of the fountain in the park, coughing up blood and water. My clothes were getting new blood stains covering up the old ones that stained the fabric, you couldn't see it very well through the black tight dress. But I knew it was their.

Tears started to pour down my cheeks. I saw a blurry blonde figure above me. I tried to blink the tears away but it only got worse. The pain I was in and I was terrified I would never feel pain again. My thought was right when I heard the cock of a gun.

"You made a fool of me. I was so popular. You took everything from me" Ashlynn screamed.

"I'll do anything. Please. Just don't shoot me. Let me go. I'll never bother you again" I pleaded, clutching my stomach.

"Never in a million years sweet heart. Say goodbye to this messed up world. Thank god I'm still perfect" she flipped her hair and kept the gun pointed at me.

"3...2.." She counted down but stopped at the words of someone screaming

"Nooooo. Don't take her. Take me" i knew that accent anywhere even if my hearing was going away. Dallas Winston wants to take his life to save me.

"Fine I'll kill both of you." I saw Dallas running towards me.

"Anna" he screamed. "Run"

I mouthed I can't. Clearly in this lighting he couldn't tell I was stabbed. Then the sound I didn't want to hear. The ringing noise belted through the air as I saw Dallas collapse twenty feet away from me. Then another ringing and everything was black. I was so close to Dallas we were only twenty feet apart from each other and were dying. My love, my everything, my bad boy, at least we can be together and no one can judge us


I can't breathe omg. So what did you think? pretty intense. I think I'm gonna try to update all of my stories today. Most of you that read this, read my other stories so you know I am taking over an abandoned fanfic which is really exciting! so that's on the update list! please leave feedback I'm proud of this chapter don't worry it's not the end. I still have a lot in mind for this story! xoxo stay gold

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