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Half of me didn't want to meet the teacher while the other half was deeply intrigued by the teacher's sudden concern. I reluctantly stepped out of the lab and saw how Padma dear lifted an eyebrow and looked down upon me like I was some elf. She also did the smh ( shaking my head). At that moment I felt like a complete loser who needed to get her sh*tty life back together. The teacher again scowled," What took you so long? Now, Annapoorani go and fill three of my water bottles...GO!"My already scarce reputation is now at stake. FML.

WOW. Like......SERIOUSLY?! "Huh... yes ma'am," and I scooted off as fast as I could.I ran to the girls' restroom and let out the loudest scream." AYEEEEE...WHO IS THAT?", the janitor shouted and so I put my whole fist into my mouth and screamed louder.

I wasn't definitely the most popular or talented or prettiest according to the society norms. But definitely I did live a life with dignity and never let anyone ruin my self esteem. Who could I blame for this situation? The teacher for embarrassing me? Or Padma for grabbing every chance to make me feel inferior? Or myself for being inconspicuous all this while and expecting to become the star of the school overnight?

I got up, splashed my face with ice cold water, filled up the water bottles and went to class complaining of headache. I didn't even have my lunch, just slept through the rest of the classes. It was 3 and I walked out of school when Jessica tugged me by my sleeve," Wanna get some ice cream?" she asked with a warm smile."Umm no cash, but thanks for the concern", I smiled back. But she pulled me to the nearby ice cream parlor and ordered two chocolate ice creams with brownie and chocolate chips. Clearly the direct way to my heart. I couldn't help but be grateful for all these lovely people who held my broken life together. It was a quiet scenario and we hungrily licked the ice creams off their cones. As we were leaving Jess patted my back saying," You only deserve the best, not everyone gets to be my best friend," she winked and hopped to her car that was waiting outside. It was a lonely walk back home and when I reached, Tony was sitting on the couch watching DDLJ." Hey, I wanna talk to you," he said. " Sorry got truck loads for homework today, even planning to bunk," "Oh...okayyyyy at least come to the park at 5.30. Gotta introduce you to someone."

"Yeah, will try."

"K,bye then?"he asked.

"Yeah, of course."

I was born with sarcasm dominating my blood composition.

My intuition asked me to go to the park but wasn't I dejected? Shouldn't I be burying my head inside my pillow and sob all through night? HEHE, but Mom had amazing plans for me," Beta! come and help me make laddoos beta!" I felt going to the park was 100 times better. "But Ma I have tuitions!"

"But you told you were sick so you weren't going today."

"No, they're giving the blue print. Cherry just called me and said so I have to leave."

"Okay beta, take care."

I stepped outside and took a deep breath trying inhale positivity and exhale negativity. And coincidentally Gopal bhaiyya was taking out a tray of freshly baked cookies, so it felt much better.

It was only a five minute walk to the park and I found Tony with someone who had his back facing to me. I walked up to them and,"Ahem ahem,"

"Hey Hannah! I thought you weren't coming."

"But I did,so thank me okay?" I said dramatically not realizing the 'SOMEONE' was watching me all this while.

"Umm, your friend?" I pointed to him asking Tony.

"YEAH! Totally forgot, meet Jai my distant cousin."

"HELLO." we said in unison.

No, he wasn't hot. He didn't have the perfect jawline, sparkling eyes and messy hair that accentuated his features. And I was totally not checking him out.Like who even does? Duh.





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