Chapter 14

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"How are feeling today Anna," The Head Master asks. I look at him with a little confusion. He should be yelling at me since I didn't fix Amos in the allotted time. In fact it is a whole week past the "Due-Date" if you will. 

"I am feeling much better thank you," I say still confused, "Can I ask why I am here?" 

"You did such a good job with Amos in these last few weeks I cannot believe how well he is doing," He says with a huge grin. I take a beat and just stare at the head master. I really haven't done much but follow Amos to class and a week of that I couldn't. I am so confused. Although I must admit Amos is a lot nicer than that first day I met him. In fact when I was recovering from my head injury he actually helped me understand some of the lessons. I was impressed by that. It is so crazy how in just a few weeks someone can change so much. I smirk a little bit. 

"Thank you but most of that was Amos he wouldn't have been successful if he didn't really want to be," I say taking a quick glance back at my past. It is true I made a conscious decision to change so Amos had have done that as well. 

"Well I called you in today to say that you and Amos don't need to work together anymore he has improved so much so you will be going to back to your original schedule starting tomorrow," The headmaster says handing me a piece of paper with my original classes on it. I frown. That means that Amos and I don't have to hang out anymore. Why does that make me so sad? I strongly disliked the guy when we started. 

"You are excused." With those words I slowly get up and exit the office. I walk as if I am going to a funeral my head down and sad. 

Will Amos still like my company even if it isn't for free lunches? 

Will he say hello to me or will we act like complete strangers to each other tomorrow?

Why do I even care that much? 


I sit down on my bedroom floor and look at my new(old) class schedule with a big frown. I liked sitting next to Amos in all of our classes. He is the most annoying person on the planet but it made school a lot more fun to joke and have fun rather than just studying. 

It is going to be very hard to tell him about this. I mean we both know it's coming I just don't understand how I got so attached to Amos in the course of a few weeks. It is going to hurt me so to have him reject our friendship. 

I need to reject him before he rejects me. 

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