Chapter 8

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Heyy guys! I know I am the worst at updating. I am 16 and I actually kind of had a life for like two months. Anyway. I was in a play this weekend -11/14/14. And I would just like to say that I was on the front page of the newspaper for it top above the fold and 'errything! I was famous for a day! Yeah I know. I won't let it get in my head..

"Hey Anna, do you know that people think we are dating," Amos asks at lunch. 

"But we aren't," I say stupidly.

"I know but we are together ALL the time! No wonder people think that." 

"Well, I have to do this." I say simply then go back to my book. Amos tries talking to me some more but gives up after I don't answer. So we eat in silence which I am happy we do because I have to think of a way to get him to be perfect. I wonder what will happen once my job is done. Will we stay friends? Or will we act as if none of it ever happened and go back to pretending we don't exist?

"Hey do you want to go to a party," Amos questions. I look at him with a look of pure disgust. He just sits there like his innocent and he didn't ask me to do something I hate. 

"no," I say sharply. 
"Why," he asks. I give him a look an incredulus look, "Okay okay fine we won't go to the biggest bestest greatest party of the centry. We will sit at home and do homework I guess," he pulls the fine look out of his back pocket. 

"Good you need to get your homework done," I say still reading my book. He sighs and eats his lunch again.

"No way in world am I wearing that!" I say angerily.

"Come on it's cute!" Amos says with a wink.

"You disgust me."

"Same here."

"Why do you even want me to go to this party?"

"You have to follow me around."

"Ugh,"  I say. I go into my closet looking for something better to wear. The dress Amos picked out for me woild literally show every single tattoo that I have. It has no staps so my collor bone one would. It is open on the side showing my midrif showing off my weeping will tattoo. It is so short you see the ones on my legs and the shoes he picked out would show the one of my name on my foot. It kind of worries me that he was in my closet. I baught that dress so that it would show off all of my tattoos but times have changed and now I don't.

"Why don't you want to wear this," Amos asks eyeing it like the little pervert he is. 

"Because you are a pervert," I say simply. 

"Fine wear the long sleeved black one," Amos says. I smile, that is my favorite it has long sleaves and a collor so it covers my shoulder/collar bone. It has an open lase back and it goes to my knees. I always were a pair of ankle books with it because they cover up my foot tattoo. I go into my bathroom and put it on. I bobby pin my hair so it it over one of my shoulders and curl it slightly, and i add a tint of masscare to my eyelashes. I decide to ditch my glasses. When I walk out of my bathroom Amos is texting. He is wearing a button down white teeshirt and a pair of black pants. He also has his leather jacket. I cough getting his attention. When he turns his head his eyes get a little bigger and his mouth drops just a little in awe. I do a little spin for him and grab my long jacket. I now understand why people think we are dating. We leave my room his hand protective on the small of my back and we make our way to his car. I thought he had a car but i was wrong. Of course the bad boy has a motercycle. Why would I think any differently? 

"Do I really have to ride that," I ask. 

"Well you are my designated driver you have to do more than ride." 

My eyes go big. 

"No way am I driving that my car now," I say sternly. Amos gives up and we get into my car. It may be a little beat up but it is nice.

Amos gives me directions and once we get there I instantly realize that this is a bad thing for me. I mean I used to go to these all the time yes. I am trying to stop myself from doing all of those bad things again. I know I really wanted to that is why I gave in. This could end up badly. As long as I make good decsions I will be fine. 

"Hey you look a little pale you nervous?" 

"No. Lets go," I say then exit the vehicle. We walk up to the door Amos's hand is back on the small of my back as if to say don't touch her. He rings the doorbell and a very attractive guy answers. 

"Hey!! Amos, glad you decided to come," The guy slurs. I can tell he is a little drunk already.

"Hey Tom! Me too this is my plus one," Amos says motioning toward me. I can feel his hand tense up as Tom eyes me. 

"Do I know you? You look familar," Tom says. Oh crap Tom was at almost all the parties I went to before school started up here. I knew it was a bad idea.

"Um I don't think so." I say innocently.

"Are you sure? Because I remember u-" Tom starts talking but I cut him off.

"You must be thinking of a different girl." I say. I glance at Amos who has a confused look on his face. Poor guy. 

"Are you going to let us in or what," Amos says grumpily. 

"Oh course man," Tom says moving out of our way, "Want a drink?" 

"No thanks."

"Sure." Amos and I say at the same time. Tom nods and goes to grab the drink. 

"You sure are an interesting girl," Amos says after a few more guys that I know walk up to me and ask if they know me. It is quite embarrassing. The whole time Amos's hand in on the small of my back trying to protect me. When Tom comes back with his drink Amos finally takes his hand off my back.

"I will come find you at midnight to go home," I say. Amos nods then leaves. 

I decide to sit outside. A few people are out side but many because it is November. Though there is a good game of chicken going on. SInce everyone it drunk it halarious to watch being probably the only sober person at the party. I end up falling asleep. I am rudely awoken when a couple tries to make out in the chair I am sitting in which let me tell you is very awkward. I decide to leave them be and go inside again. The air in intoxicating there is cigarette smoke everywhere make me crave one. I decide to venture upstairs to find an empty room to get away from the smoke. It takes my five rooms of people making out before I find one. Once inside I lock the door and lay on the bed. Setting my alarm for 12 I fall asleep once again. I wil do anything to stop myself from smoking agian. 

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