Chapter 15

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I sleep on it. In the morning I awaken. I turn my head and Amos is sitting at my desk. Again. He really has taken this taking care of injured me idea to the next level.

"Good morning! How are you feeling?" Amos asks. I avoid making eye contact with him. The faster I can get this over with the better. I will be able to return to my normal life. Eating lunch alone, walking to class alone, and doing my homework... alone. Just how it is supposed to be.

"Um, I'm alright, I need to talk to you about something..." I say trailing off at the end trying not to show my emotions too much.

"Do you want to go to the ice cream parlor?" Amos asks with a small smile on his face.

"It's like 7am." I say flatly not giving in to the idea of a triple chocolate sundae.

"I meant later obviously. Maybe after dinner?" He smiles

"No!' He cannot think this is a date. "I mean, it's fine. Let's go now." I say, wanting to get this over with.

"But you just pointed out that it's 7am? That's not even close to dinnertime." He chuckles. DOes he think he's funny now?

"It's 5 o'clock somewhere. Is there a time limit on ice cream? Why not go for a sweet treat right now? Let's live. Also, it opens at 6;00 soooo." I catch myself and trail off, realizing I've been rambling for a while now.

And UGH! Why is he making this so hard for me?!? This is starting tpo remind me of when I broke up with Tony. Surely this should be easier than that. Right? Right. Wait a second! I don't even like Amos like that. Why am I freaking out? Tony was my boyfriend unfortunately, Amos is just a school project.

"Alright I'll go now on one condition." Amos says with a deffiant tone in his voice. I don't like the sound of that, but I can't afford to say no. This has to happen today. Now. I might not have the courage to do it later.

"FIne. What is it?" I say reluctantly.

"We take my motorcycleorcycle."

"Oh heck to the no."

"You already agreed! So it has to happen." He says with a smirk, teasing me.

He doesn't know it but he's right. It does have to happen now.

I sigh. "Sigh. Fineeeeee...let's go" I say, turning away, trying to hide the tears that are starting to well up.


We end up on the motercycle. Obviously I don't drive because I do not know how. Also, it's his motorcicle, so he drives it. I sit on the back with my arms wrapped around Amos's torso. As we start to ride down the road I feel the cold wind sting my face and flow through my hair. I wish I wore my glasses, maybe it would cover up part of my face. Gosh my face is going to be so red after this ride. I try to forget about that and I manage to get lost in trees that are flying by me. This is so freeing. I haven't been on a motorcycle in such a long time so I take a moment to feel the freedom. We go around a corner and I have to hold onto Amos a little harder. I take a deep breath and smell cigarette and his familiar colone. He makes me feel safe and comforted, maybe im too comfortable. I let a small smile play on my lips for a second. This ride isnt so bad I guess. I quickly shake off of those feelings and loosen my grasp but a little too much and i start to slip and shift on the seat. Amos reaches one of his arms back and catches me, pulling me close to him again.

"Woah, you ok? You could've fell there. We don't want you getting another head injury." He says, still with his arm around me

I can almost hear the genuine concern in his voice.

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