Chapter 6

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The thing about 'Randies Icecream' is that no matter how few costumers go to them in the winter they still stay open. I am a regular at 'Randies Icecream' the whole staff knows my order by heart. 

They also saw me change. 

I wasn't thinking when I brought Amos to my favorite shop in the small square in the small town. When we walked in I was bombarded with hugs from the oldest member of the team, Ruth. 

"Oh my goodness Anna! You have grown so much!" She says even though I sure I haven't grown an inch since I was here last month. 

"Who is this boy? Is he your boyfriend?" She asks putting extra emfacis on the boyfriend. 

"No." I say a little closterphobic since she is still hugging me. Ruth asks me a few questions and I answer them one at a time while Amos stood awkwardly staring at the cashier. The cashier, Kathy, is currently checking him out like she is buying Chirstmas gifts. She doesn't even try to hide it either. Ew gross.

Amos is blushing. I notice that he is different outside of the school. He isn't as "Bad Boyish". 

"Kathy quit checking him out and ring up Anna's favorite and..." Ruth starts drawling out waiting for Amos to say his choice.

"Triple chocolate sunday." he says quickly obviously embarrest. 

"I like him." Ruth whispers to me. Now it is my turn to blush. 

Amos's choice is my favorite. 

"It is on the house this afternoon, feel free to pick a song!" Ruth says outloud before going to the back of the shop. 

Amos and I sit down. At first it is awkward between us. We don't talk as we wait for our icecream. 


Once we got our icecream Amos noticed we both had the sae kind. 

The 'Bad Boy' knows my weakness.

That isn't good for my record. We also had a few friendly arguements. It was actually pretty cliche actually. 

"21 questions?" Amos asks me randomly. 

"Sure, You go first I guess." I agree. It goes like this-

"Favorite color?" 



"Don't have one."

"Everyone has a favorite color!"

"Well I don't. Favorite animal?" 


"Wow I figured that." 

"What is your favorite thing to do?" 

"The broom closet." 

"Wow, ladies and gentlemen the 'Bad Boy' has spoken." 

"What about you?"

What did I like to do?

"I like to, listen to music and dance around my room. Favorite song?" 

"Trouble by Cold Play." 

"Wow a slow sad song I wouldn't have guessed!"

"Why do you hide your tattoos?" 

"What? I don't have tattoos!" 

"I saw them!" 

"You must has seen a different person." 

"Must have." 

"Lets go back it is getting late." I say changing the subject. Amos checks his phone and realizes that we have been in the Ice cream shop for 7 hours just talking and acting ridiculous.  Amos agrees and we go to my car even though be both know that we don't want to go back. 

On the way we don't go back to twenty questions, and Amos doesn't bring up the Tattoo subject. He cannot know about them. Nobody can, it just is something I wish I could go back and stop myself. 

I wouldn't listen to myself though I would probably get 10X more. I was such a little brat. 

I was like for as long as I can remember. I guess my whole life I have always caused all the problems in the family. At family reunions I would always cause distruction to the fansy decorations. When I started middle school I dyed my hair and wrote on myself in sharpies all the time, knowing my mother hates that. I would buy all black clothes and wear fishnet stockings. 

I also started going to house parties in skimpy dresses and you can guess what happened then. 

When I started High School I started getting in trouble all the time pulling pranks on the teachers and I would be in the Principal's office at least three times a week. I would start fights out of nothing and I would push over trashcans and write all over the locker rooms and bathrooms. I was also almost put in jail for tresspassing. 

I was a nightmare. 

I just wanted attention. 

I don't know why I wanted attention so much. It isn't like I don't have a good family. My dad and mom are loving and I have two great big brothers who I know still love me, even if they can't show it at home. When my mom shipped me here I knew she was going to take all my pictures down and photoshop me out all the rest. 

She disowned me. 

To say I miss having a mother is an undersatement. I changed just to have a mother but she just can't accept the fact the I have changed. She just thinks I am pretending and the moment I go back home I will go back to the nightmare that made her hairs go grey at an early age. 

I am also not allowed to talk to my brothers or dad. If I do I have to call them at the worst times of the day so my mom doesn't find out.

I serioulsy tried to call them I was doing great until I just stopped. When I would call them we could only say a few things before it got awkward and they had to do somthing important. I seriously think my mom interagates them on a daily basis forcing them to tell her if I have contacted them. She has them wrapped around her finger. My mom just wants to be able to controll her family, I guess that is why she couldn't deal with me. She couldn't controll me until now. 

"Hey Anna, who is that?" Amos asks once we get back to the school. He is pointing at an angry looking women. Her arms are crossed and she has her hair in a tight professional bun the same bun I wear every day,"Is that your sister?" 

"Ew no. It is my mother." I say nervously.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" 

"Bad. Just be on your best behavior when we get out of the car. Please?" I beg. When Amo doesn't answer me I begin to be more nervous. I park in my spot and slowly get out of the car. Amos and I both walk up to my mother but before we get close to her Amos stops and turns to me.

"I has a great time today, thanks!" He says. Then holds up his socks that he bought. 

"Don't mention it." say then look at my mother who has a confused face.

"Maybe we can do it again next week!" Amos says then winks at me, kisses me on the forehead, and walks off. WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?! HE JUSTED KISSED ME ON THE FOREHEAD! WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS TO THAT IN FRONT OF MY MOTHER!

"Anna. Who was that boy?" My mother asks. 

"A friend, Amanda." I say calmy using her first name. I barely ever call my mother mom. It just doesn't feel right anymore.

"He looks like trouble. Stay away from him." She says. I just roll my eyes.

"What are you doing here?" 

"To visit. I was just checking up on you I am leaving now." 

"You said you were visiting tomorrow!" 

"I lied." 

"Whatever. Bye." I say then walk away leaving my mother alone on the sidewalk in the streetlamp lighting. 

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