Chapter 5

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I get a day off on Saturday apparently. Although over the past week I have actually knocked some sense into Amos. 

For instance I don't need to poke and prod him every five seconds in class. I don't even have to touch him he focuses on his own now. He now fully understands what an education means and he also knows where all of his classrooms are. To say I am proud of myself is an understatement. I am currently sitting in the middle of my dorm room doing nothing of importance. Lots of students took the early bus to go to town(since they don't have cars yet), and lots of students go to their club meetings. Saturday is just a relaxing day around school. I lay down. Over the past week I have been thinking about my past a lot. I mean I was the girl who went to parties and ditched class. I was the girl people scurried out of the way when I walked through the hallways. 

I was the girl to give the evil glare. Heck I even got in a fist fight with the principal which ended up in me coming here. 

I am burst out of my thoughts when my phone rings.

"Hi mom." I say. Ever since my mom found out about my rampage she hasn't trusted me. Sure she visits every two months and calls once a month but that is it. I am just a person she has to check up on now. To her I am the problem child. 

Apparently that is what the rest of my family thinks too.

"Anna." is all she says to greet me.

"What do you want I am busy with homework." I lie. I am actually done with all of my homework for the weekend Amos and I did it last night. 

"I am sorry to interupt you. I am visiting tomorrow." She says then hangs up. I sigh and sit up only to see Amos standing in my doorway. I quickly check to see if a tattoo is showing and I remember I am wearing a tee shirt and sweatpants so I am just fine. Amos doesn't say anything, which is weird I mean if you are going to visit someone's room aren't going to talk to them. I raise my eyebrow at him waiting for him to say something. 


I eventually got Amos to talk when he came in my room. It turns out he missed the bus to town and his car wouldn't start. So he went looking all over campus looking at the club rooms and empty classrooms thinking I would be there since he has classified me as a "Nerd" when he didn't find me he finally decided to go to the girl's dorms looking. On weekends the opposite sex is allowed in the dorms without a bracelet they just can't be in the rooms after 6pm. 

In the end I drove him out of the kindness of my heart to buy socks. 

I know, the "Bad Boy" Is going to town to buy socks. I can't help but laugh. 

"Do you want to get some ice cream?" I ask Amos since we are in town and I love the ice cream shop. 

"In the dead middle of winter?" He asks confused. 

"Yeah? I mean none of the other kids will be there, they will all be at Confidence CoffeeI say. 

"Sure we can go get ice cream." 

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