Your time of the month (c.g.)

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Requested by: EmilyCorn2

Your POV
You woke up to a bad stomach ache, you looked over and Carl wasn't there. You looked down and saw a bloody sheet.

"Great my period is on." You said to yourself. You got up and got some clean clothes out of your closet, after you got your belongings you changed the sheets, then you went to Maggie's house to ask her for some pads because you ran out the other week.

"Hey Maggie um can you come here please." You asked. "Sure honey what ya need." She asked. "Um do you have and extra pads." You whispered so Glenn wouldn't hear."

"Yea let go get them." She said. A couple seconds later she came with a small box of pads. "Thanks Maggie your a life saver." You said while hugging her. "No problem y/n." She said hugging you back.

After that you went to the showers, after your shower you got dressed and went outside. I was walking down the street looking for Carl, then I saw him having a 'friendly' conversation with Enid. He knows I hate her so why would he talk to her.

I went up to him and her, and he didn't even notice me until Enid said something. "Oh hi y/n." she said. "Hi." I said. "Oh hey babe when did you get here." Carl said. I didn't say anything to him because I was pissed, I just walked away. He didn't even come and follow me.

I went back to the house and when I walked in Judith ran to me. "Hey judy I said while lifting her up. "Hey y/n, where buba." She said talking about Carl. "Oh, he's with his little girlfriend. I said said still annoyed.

She just looked a me in a confused manner. "Oh just forget about it." I said while putting her down. Soon as I did that Carl walked in. "What's wrong babe." He said.

"Why do you care now?" I asked. "What do you mean?" He asked. It doesn't matter, just go back to your girlfriend." I said. "Oh this is what this is about." He said smirking.

"Why the fuck are you smirking?" I asked getting more pissed by the minute. "Because you being jealous." He said. That's when I snapped. "Shut the fuck up Carl I'm not being jealous, why would I be jealous of that shady bitch." I yelled, that when my stomach cramped and I winced.

"Hey you okay." He said walking over to me. "No obviously not." I said. "Well what's wrong he asked. "I'm on my period." I said and his eyes went wide.

I'll be back he said and ran out the door. "What." I said to myself.

~2 hours later~
He hasn't been here to cuddle with me for 2 whole hours. I just put on a movie on the TV in the living room. Soon as the movie started Carl walked in with a bag full of stuff.

He gave the bag to you and it was full of pads, chocolate, chips and your favorite gummy worms and chocolate chip cookies.

You jumped up and gave him a hug and almost squeezed him to death. "Thank you so much baby boy." You said and he blushed. "It's my job and I had to make it up to you." He said. "I love you." You said giving him a big passionate kiss. "I love you too, now let's get that movie finished." For the rest of the night y'all two where cuddled up watching movies.

A/n: thanks Emily for the awesome request. 😇

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