Pregnant by other guy prank

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Your POV
Okay since Chandler always want to prank me, I'm gonna prank him back...HARD. I'm going to act like I got pregnant by another guy. He's going to be so heartbroken but it's worth it for what he put me through.

I got the camera set up and got into play. "Chandler can you come down for a sec?!" I yelled up the stairs. "Sure, I'll be down in a minute." He said back. A couple seconds later I heard him coming down the stairs.

"What's up baby?" He asked kissing my cheek. I put my head down act all sad and what not. "What's wrong hun?" He asked grabbing my hand. "I have to tell you something, but I know it will hurt you." I said "crying". He looked at me confused. "What are you talking about?" He asked with a scared look.

"So the other day, I took a pregnancy test and it said that I was pregnant." I said looking at him. "But, we never had sex." He said blankly. "Exactly." Was all that I said. "So you cheated on me?! With who?!" He nearly screamed.

"You don't know him, he was an old friend of mine in high school, my ex actually." I said with my head down. "So you cheated on me with your fucking ex?!" He screamed, I nodded my head. "Look, I'm so sorry I know I fucked up okay, I can get an abortion!" I fake cried.

"Now you want to kill the baby?! Have you no soul y/n seriously?!" He shouted at me. "I just want to make things better Chandler!" I shouted back. "Well you're not by talking about killing a fucking baby that's not even mine. I thought you wanted to wait with me, til marriage remember." He said the last part quietly.

He sat down on the couch, put his hands in his head and started crying. Oh no no no what have I've done. "Oh no Chandler don't cry it was a prank, the camera is right there look." I said. He looked up and just yelled.

"Thank god that wasn't real, I didn't know what I was going to do." He said hugging me. "I got your ass back hahahahaha." I said kissing his cheek. "Yes you did and no more pranks for a while please." He said. I just laughed and turned the camera off.

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